The Comparison between Nursing Graduates' Performance and Clinical Nurses' Performance of Clinical Competency |
Yoo, Kyung-Hee;Um, Young-Rhan;Suh, Yeon-Ok;Song, Rha-Yun;June, Kyung-Ja;Cho, Nam-Ok; |
1Soonchunhyang University, Department of Nursing 2Soonchunhyang University, Department of Nursing 3Soonchunhyang University, Department of Nursing 4Soonchunhyang University, Department of Nursing 5Soonchunhyang University, Department of Nursing 6Soonchunhyang University, Department of Nursing |
간호학생과 신규간호사의 실무수행능력 비교 |
유경희, 엄영란, 서연옥, 송라윤, 전경자, 조남옥 |
1순천향대학교 간호학과 2순천향대학교 간호학과 3순천향대학교 간호학과 4순천향대학교 간호학과 5순천향대학교 간호학과 6순천향대학교 간호학과 |
Abstract |
The purpose of this study was to investigate the performance of clinical competency in nursing graduates and clinical nurses. The total of 234 subjects returned the questionnaire with 95% of response rates. The subjects of the study constituted of 195 nursing graduates and 39 clinical nurses. Self report questionnaires were used to measure the clinical competence of nursing graduates and clinical nurses. This instrument had four dimensions of competency : client and health need, nursing process, professional role, and nursing interventions. The data were analyzed by utilizing SPSSWIN and the results were as follows. 1) The mean score of the nursing intervention dimension was the most with 3.82 compared to professional role dimension(3.06), nursing process(3.03), client and health need dimension(2.94) in nursing graduates. 2) The mean score of the nursing intervention dimension was the most with 3.04 compared to client and health need dimension(2.82), professional role dimension(2.81), nursing process(2.77) in clinical nurses. And all of these dimensions' scores were lower than the nursing graduates' scores. 3) The mean scores of nursing process (t=3.76, p<.001) and professional role dimensions(t=3.53, p<.001) in nursing graduates were significantly higher than clinical nurses' scores. Our suggestions based on the results of this study is : 1. It is recommended to repeat the same designed study in large sample of clinical nurses for further study. |
Key Words:
Performance of Clinical Competency, Nursing Graduates, Clinical Nurses |