J Korean Acad Soc Nurs Educ Search


Instructions for authors

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  • Enacted Jun 1995
  • Recently Revised Nov 2023

Aims and Scope

  • 1. The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education (J Korean Acad Soc Nurs Educ, JKASNE) is the official journal of the Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education, established in 1995.
  • 2. This journal contributes to enhancing the understanding of human responses to diseases and health promotion, as well as to building a knowledge base for nursing that includes theory, practice, and education.
  • 3. The JKASNE aims to promote the development and dissemination of specialized nursing knowledge related to nursing education practice, research, and administration.
  • 4. This journal shall be published 4 times a year (on February, May, August, and November).
  • 5. This journal publishes original research, theory, and review papers on nursing and nursing education, and other related articles could be posted by the decision of the editing committee.
  • 6. The full texts of the journals could be viewed free of charge, and the URL site is http://www.jkasne.org. Through this website, full text of every article is available.
  • 7. All articles in this journal are indexed in SCOPUS, Korea Citation Index (KCI), and KoreaMed.

Research and Publication Ethics

Theses contributed to this journal shall be prepared while observing the following ethics regulations that are based on the International Standards on Publication Ethics. For the policies on the research and publication ethics not stated in this instructions, International standards for editors and authors can be applied from following organizations: Committee of Publication Ethics (http://publicationethics.org/international-standards-editors-and-authors); Council of Science Editors (CSE, http://www.councilscienceeditors.org); International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE, http://www.icmje.org); and Korean Association of Medical Journal Editors (KAMJE, http://www.kamje.or.kr).

  • 1. Informed consent and the approval of the institutional review board : If research is conducted on humans, in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki, the theses must explain the purposes of the research and the mental and/or bodily harms which may take place to the patients or guardians who participate in research and clarify that a written consent is given for the participation. All studies involving human subjects or human data must be reviewed and approved by a responsible research ethics board or institutional review board (IRB). Approval should be sought for all cases unless they fall under IRB’s exemption criteria. The IRB approval information should be included in the submitted manuscript. If needed, the editorial committee can request the submission of written consents and approval letters of ethics committee.
  • 2. Institutional animal care and use committee : If researched is conducted on animals, in principle, the theses shall describe such actions that were taken to reduce the troubles and inconveniences of laboratory animals and shall clarify that experiment processes have not violated regulations of institutional review board (IRB) and/or the NIH Guidelines for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. If needed, the editing committee can request the submission of written consents and approval letters of ethics committee. Editors use the COPE Flowcharts (https://publicationethics.org/guidance/Flowcharts) for following COPE's code of Conduct and implementing its advice when faced with cases of suspected misconduct.
  • 3. Authorship :
    • 1) The Corresponding Author must submit a completed Author Consent Form to the editorial office of the JKSANE with manuscripts. All authors must sign the Author Consent Form.According to the International Committee on Medical Journal Editor (ICMJE), an author is defined as one who has made substantial contributions to the conception and development of a manuscript.
    • 2) Adhere to the ICMJE guidelines (http://www.icmje.org) which state that “authorship credit should be based on all of the following: 1) substantial contributions to conception and design of the study, or acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data; 2) drafting the article or reviewing it critically for important intellectual content; 3) final approval of the version to be published; and 4) agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved”. All other contributors should be listed as acknowledgments.
  • 4.Review measures for joint papers with specially related persons such as minors (those under 19 years of age) or family members (spouses, children, or close relatives up to first cousin) are as follows:
    • 1) Specially related persons who are named as authors on a joint paper must have made a clear contribution to the research and paper.
    • 2) When submitting joint papers with specially related persons, the ‘Pre-disclosure Form for Joint Papers with Specially Related Persons’ shall also be submitted.
    • 3) If the declared contribution for a joint paper with a specially related person is found to be false, the President of the Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education shall notify the relevant organizations (e.g., the school(s) they applied to, research institutes, etc.) in which they have benefited from their misconduct.
  • 5. Falsification and plagiarism : The journal shall not carry such theses as have been involved in the following unfair practices:
    • 1) Forgery: recording or reporting materials or research outputs which have been falsified
    • 2) Alteration: manipulating research materials, equipment or processes and/or changing or omitting materials or research outputs, so as to render research records untrue
    • 3) Plagiarism: appropriating others’ ideas, processes, outputs or records in an unauthorized manner
    • 4) Improper authorship attribution: improperly attributing authorship to individuals who have not made a valid scientific or technical contribution or failing to attribute authorship to those who have made such a contribution to the research content or findings of a paper without valid reasons.
  • 6. Originality and duplicate publication : Only original theses can be contributed to and/or carried out by the journal.
    • 1) Such manuscripts as those that have been carried by or are being contributed to other academic journals cannot be contributed to this journal and vice versa.
    • 2) For the journal to carry any duplicated theses is not allowed regardless of whether part or all of them have been published, printed, recorded and/or registered in an academic journal in other languages, electronically or otherwise.
    • 3) The author can have his/her manuscripts which have been carried in this academic journal to be duplicated in other languages, only after the editing (or, publishing) committee chiefs of both academic journals approve it.
    • 4) Any breach of research ethics including duplicated publication shall be reviewed by the editing committee and, if necessary, reported to the President of the Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education.
  • 7.Conflict-of-Interest statement : Conflict of interest exists when an author or the author’s institution, reviewer, or editor has financial or personal relationships that inappropriately influence or bias his or her actions. Such relationships are also known as dual commitments, competing interests, or competing loyalties. These relationships vary from being negligible to having a great potential for influencing judgment. Not all relationships represent true conflict of interest. On the other hand, the potential for conflict of interest can exist regardless of whether an individual believes that the relationship affects his or her scientific judgment. Financial relationships such as employment, consultancies, stock ownership, honoraria, and paid expert testimony are the most easily identifiable conflicts of interest and the most likely to undermine the credibility of the journal, the authors, or of the science itself. Conflicts can occur for other reasons as well, such as personal relationships, academic competition, and intellectual passion (http://www.icmje.org/conflicts-of-interest/). If there are any conflicts of interest, authors should disclose them in the manuscript. The conflicts of interest may occur during the research process as well; however, it is important to provide disclosure. If there is a disclosure, editors, reviewers, and reader can approach the manuscript after understanding the situation and the background of the completed research.
  • 8. Process to manage the research and publication misconduct : Members who have breached these regulations and the general ethical guidelines for research will be ineligible to submit papers to this journal for a period of two years.
  • 9. Manuscript submission is recommended to a thesis for which the research data collection was conducted within the last five years.

Submission and Review System

  • 1. Authors qualifications :
    • 1) All authors of paper should be the members of the Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education, unless they are non-Korean authors.
    • 2) Any master’s thesis or doctoral dissertation must be clearly indicated as such and reviewed by board member of the Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education. The degree holder must be the 1st author of the material submitted for publication.
  • 2. Submission and peer review process :
    • 1) Type of peer review : Double-blind review
    • 2) Submission
      • • Before submitting manuscripts, entries should follow the guidelines on the downloadable checklist (available on http://www.jkasne.org). The completed checklist the manuscript should be submitted to the JKASNE by online submission system (https://acoms.accesson.kr/jkasne/oprs/main/jrnlMain.do).
      • • More details on other pertinent regulations are available on the website of the journal. Should there be any question on how to use the online submission system, authors may contact the editorial office of the JKASNE.
      • • The copyright for all papers published in the Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education shall be transferred to the Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education and comply with the Korea Open Government License and the Creative Commons License (CC License). When the publication is confirmed, the scanned ‘Consent for Copyright Transfer and Statement of Interests’ form (available on the website of the society) signed by all authors shall be submitted to the Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education Publishing Department by email (nurse-edu@hanmail.net).
      • • As an open access journal, the Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education may be used, reproduced, and distributed for non-commercial purposes in accordance with the terms and conditions of use for the work (Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0); however, for commercial purposes, permission from the editorial board must be obtained.
    • 3) Double-blind peer review process
      • • Manuscripts which do not meet the submission requirements will not be processed for peer review. A manuscript is first reviewed for its format and adherence to the aims and scope of the journal. If the manuscript meets these two criteria, it is dispatched to at least two investigators in the field with relevant knowledge. Before reviewing, all submitted manuscripts are inspected by Similarity Check powered by iThenticate (https://www.crossref.org/services/similarity-check/), a plagiarism-screening tool.
      • • Peer review for submitted manuscript is conducted by at least two review board members. The authors’ names and affiliations are removed during peer review (double-blind peer review).
      • • After reviewing a manuscript by review members, editing board member reviews the manuscript. At that time, the editorial board member finds that requested corrections were not fully made, the board member request re-correction. Assuming the manuscript is sent to reviewers, the Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education waits to receive opinions from all reviewers. After then, the editor-in-chief of the JKASNE makes a final decision on manuscript publication based on the reviewers’ critiques and recommendations, as well as the scientific merits of the manuscript.
      • • The acceptance criteria for all papers are based on the quality and originality of the research and its scientific significance. Acceptance of the manuscript is decided based on the critiques and recommended decision of the reviewers. An initial decision is normally made within 2 weeks of receipt of a manuscript, and the reviewers’ comments are sent to the corresponding author by e-mail. The corresponding authors should provide a complementary revision, and the revised manuscript along with the complementary revision record should be submitted by online paper acceptance system within 2 weeks. Corrected contents according to the indications of review board members are listed by category and indicated the corrected portion. If a further revision period is required, the author should contact the editorial office. Paper revision that is required for the printing of the manuscript is done by authors. A final decision on acceptance/rejection for publication is forwarded to the corresponding author from the editor.
      • • Publication fees, review charges, and special edition fees and the printing fee for each volume of the paper should be charged to the authors according to the journal guidelines.
      • - A review fee: 50,000 Korean won (KRW) for peer review when submitted. The review fee must be payed in the corresponding author’s name, and the review process will begin after the payment is received.
      • - Publication fee: 50,000 KRW for each page up to 10th page, and if publication exceeds more than 10 pages, exceeding pages are charged with 60,000 KRW for each exceeding page.
    • 4) Peer review process for handling submissions from editors, employees, or members of the editorial board
      • • All manuscripts from editors, employees, or members of the editorial board are processed same to other unsolicited manuscripts. During the review process, submitters do not engage in the selection of reviewers and decision process. Editors do not handle their own manuscripts although they are commissioned ones.

Guidelines for Manuscript Preparation

  • General information
  • 1.Manuscripts should be written in Korean or English with an abstract (250-word maximum) written in English. Manuscripts written in English should be submitted with a certificate of English editing.
  • 2. Authors should remove any self-identifying citations and references.
  • 3. Manuscripts should be no longer than 20 pages including the English abstract, text, bibliography, tables and figures. Manuscripts over 20 pages will not be accepted.
  • 4. The style guidelines are the following:
    • - Use A4-size paper.
    • - Use double spacing for the cover page, abstract, text, and reference pages.
    • - Use single spacing for tables and the title of tables and figures.
    • - Set the leading and trailing spaces to zero.
    • - Set the page margins to 25 mm for all pages.
    • - List no more than 30 references.
    • - Use Times New Roman font for English papers and the Shin Myeongjo font for Korean papers. Set font size to 10.
    • - For English papers, align text to the left.
    • - Number all pages.
  • 5. Samples and participants: Authors should confirm the correct use of the words “sex” (when reporting biological factors) and “gender” (identity, psychosocial, or cultural factors), and report the sex or gender of study participants. If the study was done involving an exclusive population, authors should explain the reason. Authors should define how they determined race or ethnicity and justify its relevance.
  • 6. Technical terms shall be cited from the Standard Nursing Terminology Database published by the Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education, and the Medical Terminology Database (5th ed.) by the Korean Medical Association.
  • 7. Only standard abbreviations should be used. For standard abbreviations and units, refer to Citing Medicine: The NLM (National Library of Medicine) Style Guide for Authors, Editors, and Publishers (2007, 2nd ed.) or https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK7256/. In the case of English abbreviations, the first mention should include the entire word followed by its abbreviation in parentheses. However, abbreviations should not be used in paper titles and abstracts.
  • 8. When using parentheses, there should be a space between the parentheses and any English or numeric text. If the parentheses are preceded by Korean or followed by postpositions, no space is needed.
  • 9. Drugs should be referred to using their generic names (common names). Appliances and equipment shall be mentioned with their model name and manufacturer declared in parentheses. Such symbols as TM, ⓡ which refer to the commodity name shall not be used unless indispensable.
  • 10. When a research is conducted on humans, authors should confirm the correct use of the words “sex” (when reporting biological factors) and “gender” (when reporting identity, or psychosocial and/or cultural factors), and report the sex or gender of the study participants. Also the research participants should consist of both genders, but if it was done involving an exclusive population, authors should explain the rationale for determining the study participants and justify its relevance.
  • Manuscript composition
  • 1. Manuscripts shall be made up of front cover, title, English abstract, text, references, table and figure, each of which shall begin on a separate page.
    • 1) The cover page shall comprise title, research designs, author, correspondent author, other official announcements, keywords, and author contributions.
      • • Research designs shall comprise review article, quantitative research, qualitative research, concept analysis, Q methodological research, and meta analysis.
      • • The authors shall comprise the family name, affiliation, and position of all the authors, and ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) expressed in Korean and English.
      • • The corresponding author should provide the family name, address, postal code, telephone number, FAX number, and e-mail address, and ORCID in Korean and English.
      • • Official announcements (additional comments) shall comprise academic degree theses, funding, other conflicts of interest, acknowledgements, and supplementary materials expressed in Korean and English.
      • • Editorial notes should describe (1) a history of publication or submission to other academic societies for the same paper as that submitted to JKASNE, (2) a history of publication or submission to other academic societies any paper based on the same data as used in the paper submitted to JKASNE, (3) IRB approval institution and approval number, and (4) differentiation from preceding research.
      • • Keywords are not to exceed 5 words and should be written along with corresponding English words if possible.
      • • In the case of multiple authors, each author’s contributions should be described using the relevant CRediT roles (https://credit.niso.org/).
    • 2) English abstracts shall not exceed 250 words; titles should be on the top and sub-titles such as Purpose, Method, Results, and Conclusion, shall be consecutively described without changing lines. Keywords shall not exceed 5 words and be written at the bottom of the abstract by employing, in principle, the terms registered with MeSH (https://meshb.nlm.nih.gov/search).
    • 3)The main text shall comprise introduction, research method, research results, discussion, conclusion, and references (no more than 30 items); and considering documents shall be declared only if indispensable. The said composition may be changed in the case of a qualitative research.
      • • Introduction: Describe the rationale and purpose of the research concisely and clearly.
      • • Research Method: Describe the research design, subjects, methods, data collection, and data analysis separately under subheadings in this order. Research methods should be described in detail for the possible reproduction of the research. If a well-known research method is used, list the references. If a new or modified method is used, a detailed description is necessary. Research methods should be described under the consideration of research ethics.
      • • Results: Describe the analysis and results clearly and logically. Refrain from repeating the contents of tables or figures, and summarize only important results.
      • • Discussion: The discussion section should be written based on research results while emphasizing important or new findings. Provide interpretations and application of research results, limitations, and suggestions.
      • • Conclusion: Describe final results and recommendations for future research. Refrain from repeating research methods or results.
      • • References: References should be numbered consecutively in order of appearance in the text and be identified by Arabic numerals in square brackets [ ]. The reference list should be typed in order by number, not alphabetically, according to the Citing Medicine: The NLM Style Guide for Authors, Editors, and Publishers (2007, 2nd. ed.) (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK7256/). If a reference has a digital object identifier (DOI), it should be supplied. The number of references should be 30 or less, but in the case of a meta-analysis, systematic literature review, tool development, or structural model, etc., the maximum number of references is 50. The author is responsible for the accuracy of all references.
  • Table, Figure and Pictures
  • 1. No more than five tables, figures, and pictures should be used, and their titles and contents should be written in English. The contents of tables and figures should not overlap, and they should be placed on separate pages.
    • • In the case of qualitative researches, when it is judged that the meaning of a table or figure cannot be well communicated in English, it may be described in Korean after the editing committee has examined and approved it.
    • • The contents of tables, figures and photos shall be easy to understand and function independently.
  • 2. Principle for preparing tables
    • • All the lines shall be single lines and there shall be no vertical lines.
    • • The title of a table shall be declared with important words, the first letter of which shall be written as a capital letter. (e.g. Table 1. Overall Responses to Question Types)
    • • Table shall be numbered in the order of their being cited from the text.
    • • Words whose abbreviations were used in tables should always be placed in a legend at the bottom of the table or figure even if the words have already appeared in the text. List abbreviations in alphabetical order and do not place “and” before the last abbreviation (e.g. HR=heart rate; T=temperature).
    • • For footnotes in a table, the following symbols should be used in this order: *, †, ‡, §, ¶, #. If the table requires >6 footnotes, use double (e.g. **, ††) symbols. Symbols should be defined in the bottom left corner of the table.
    • • Place 0 before decimal points only if the number is close to 1. Otherwise, do not put 0 before decimal points (e.g. F=0.76; p=.003, r=.24, R2=.61).
    • • In principle, the value of p< which refers to a significant probability shall be declared without footnotes to the third decimal point (e.g. p=.002). When the value of p is .000, p<.001 shall be declared.
    • • For percentages (%), only one digit must follow the decimal point.
  • 3. Principle of producing figures and photos
    • • The title of a figure should be placed under the figure, and only the first letter should be capitalized. (e.g. Figure 1. Mean responses to questions by student grade categories)
    • • The size of photos shall exceed 102×152mm (4×6 inches) but not exceed 203×254mm (8×10 inches) in any unavoidable cases.
    • • When there are more than one figure marked with the same number, the figures shall be expressed with an alphabet letter which follows Arabic numerals (e.g. Figure 1-A, Figure 1-B).
    • • As for a microscopic photo of a tissue sample, the name, dyeing method and magnification of the tissue shall be declared.
  • Official announcements (additional comments)
  • 1. Acknowledgements: authors might write down the contents of appreciation for those who contributed to the research in the manuscript. if there is nothing to disclose, the following sentence can be used: “None”.
  • 2. Conflict of interest: Authors should disclose any financial or personal interest in the manuscript. if there is nothing to disclose, the following sentence can be used: “No presentment of interest relative to this issue was reported”.
  • 3. Funding: Authors should disclose funding for the manuscript. if there is nothing to disclose, the following sentence can be used: “None”.
  • 4. Supplementary materials: The author might provide additional supplementary materials for the purpose of supplementing the research. Supplemental materials are supplementary data (e.g. Excel or PowerPoint data) submitted without edition, including application cases, high-resolution images, and research materials that support the research. Supplementary materials are submitted with the manuscript files and, if any, the supplementary data is changed in the paper review process, the updated files are provided. if there is nothing to disclose, the following sentence can be used: “None”.

Reference Citation & List

  • In-text citations example
  • 1. In-text citations should be numbered consecutively in order of appearance in the text and be identified by Arabic numerals in square brackets [ ], according to the the Citing Medicine: The NLM Style Guide for Authors, Editors, and Publishers (2007, 2nd. ed.).
  • 2. When multiple reference sare cited together, use a hyphen to indicate a series of inclusive numbers. Use commas to indicate a series of non-inclusive numbers (e.g. [1], [2,3], [4-6]). If a reference is cited more than once, use the original reference number.
  • 3. If there are one or two authors, include the last name of each. If there are three or more, include only the last name of the first author followed by ‘et al’. (e.g. Kim [1], Kim과 Park [3], Choi 등[5] in Korean text; Kim [1], Kim & Park [3], Choi et al. [5] in English text).
  • References example
  • 1. References cited in the text shall be included in Reference list. The reference list should be typed in order by number, not alphabetically. The number of references should be 30 or less, but in the case of a meta-analysis, systematic literature review, tool development, or structural model, etc., the maximum number of references is 50. The author is responsible for the accuracy of all references. The author is responsible for the accuracy of all references.
  • 2. References must be written in English following the Citing Medicine: The NLM Style Guide for Authors, Editors, and Publishers (2007, 2nd. ed.).
  • 3. If a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) is given for a reference, list the DOI at the end of the individual reference. There is no period after the DOI entry.
  • 4. If there are six or fewer authors, all authors shall be listed. If there are more than 6 authors, all the 6 names shall be declared with ‘et al.’ mentioned for the remainder.
  • 5. Full journal name should be written in the list and the first letter of each word for a magazine name shall be declared in capital letter.
  • • Articles in Journals
    • Kim SJ, Bang KS, Kang KI, Song MK. Mentoring experience of nursing students participating in a health promotion program for elementary school students. The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education. 2018;24(2):137-148. https://doi.org/10.5977/jkasne.2018.24.2.137
    • Choi KS, Lee WS, Park YS, Jun MH, Lee SY, Park YW, et al. The effect of a teaching model for improving undergraduate nursing students' cultural competency. The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education 2018;24(1):100-109. https://doi.org/10.5977/jkasne.2018.24.1.100
  • - Forthcoming journal articles
    • Heale R, Dickieson P, Carter L, Wenghofer EF. Nurse practi￾tioners’ perceptions of interprofessional team functioning with implications for nurse managers. Journal of Nursing Management. Forthcoming 2013 May 9.
    • Scerri J, Cassar R. Qualitative study on the placement of Huntington disease patients in a psychiatric hospital: Perceptions of Maltese nurses. Nursing & Health Sciences. 2013. Forthcoming.
  • • Periodicals or magazines
    • Comstock J. The underrated sense. Psychology Today. 2012 Nov 5:46-47.
  • • Newspaper articles
    • Tynan T. Medical improvements lower homicide rate: Study sees drop in assault rate. The Washington Post. 2002 Aug 12;Sect. A:2 (col. 4).
    • Chung KS. Korean male nurses state. The Korean Nurses Association News. 2012 May 8:Sect. A:1.
  • • Books & Other monograph
    • Duckworth AL. Grit: The power of passion and perseverance. Simon and Schuster; 2016. p. 323.
    • Kim JH. Resilience. Wisdomhouse; 2011. p. 1-268.
  • - Chapter in a book
    • Kone BC. Metabolic basis of solute transport. In: Brenner BM, Rector FC, editors. Brenner and Rector’s the kidney. 8th ed. Vol. 1. Saunders Elsevier; 2008. p. 130-155.
  • - Edited book
    • Warren AEA, Lerner RM, Phelps E. editors. Thriving and spirituality among youth: Research perspectives and future possibilities. Wiley; 2011. p. 1-384.
  • - No author(s)/ editor(s) given
    • Merriam-Webster's collegiate dictionary. 11th ed. Merriam-Webster; 2005.
  • - Book with editor(s)/ translator(s)
    • Leong FTL. Encyclopedia of counseling. 1st ed. SAGE Publications; 2008.
    • Scheffer P. Immigrant nations. Waters L, translator. Polity Press; 2011. p. 1-390.
  • • Dissertation and Theses
    • Mitchell RD. The wesleyan quadrilateral: Relocating the conversation [dissertation]. Claremont (CA): Claremont School of Theology; 2007. p. 1-384.
    • Sung BS. Developmental research on instructional design model for procedural learning tasks based on Goal-Based Scenario [master's thesis]. Seoul; The Seoul National University: 2005. p. 1-157.
  • • Scientific and Technical Reports
    • Chiu S, Hornsby-Myers J, Trout D. Evaluation of health symptoms after a law enforcement operation. Cincinnati (OH): Department of Health and Human Services (US), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for
    • Occupational Safety and Health; 2019. Report No.: 2019-0114-3358.
  • • Conference proceedings & Paper
    • Thabet A. Clinical value of two serial pulmonary embolism-protocol CT studies performed within ten days. Paper presented at: Annual Scientific Meeting and Postgraduate Course of the American Society of Emergency Radiology; 2006 Sep 27-30; Washington, DC.
    • Muto A, Funakubo K. Efficacy of transarterial embolization using NBCA-LPD for acute arterial bleeding in patients with coagulopathy. Poster session presented at: Annual Scientific Meeting and Postgraduate Course of the American Society of Emergency Radiology; 2006 Sep 27-30; Washington, DC.
    • Rice AS, Farquhar-Smith WP, Bridges D, Brooks JW. Canabinoids and pain. In: Dostorovsky JO, Carr DB, Koltzenburg M, editors. Proceedings of the 10th World Congress on Pain; 2002 Aug 17-22; San Diego, CA. Seattle (WA): IASP Press; 2003. p. 437-468.
  • • Hompage/Web site

  • SCImago Journal & Country Rank
  • Scopus
  • KoreaMed
  • Korea Citation Index (KCI)
  • KoMCI
  • RISS
  • DBpia
  • NL
  • GoogleScholar
  • Similarity Check
  • Crossref Cited-by Linking
  • CrossMark
  • Funder Registry
  • COPE

Editorial Office
Department of Nursing, Chungbuk National University
1 Chungdae-ro, Seowon-gu, Cheongju-si, Chungcheongbuk-do, 28644, Korea
Tel: +82-43-249-1712    E-mail: spark2020@chungbuk.ac.kr                

Copyright © 2025 by The Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education.

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