Self-reported Realities of Health Behavior of Undergraduate Students After Web-based Health Promotion Education: Qualitative Content Analysis |
Kim, Joo Hyun;Park, Eun Young;Lim, Kyung Choon; |
1Department of Nursing, Kangwon National University 2College of Nursing, Gachon University 3College of Nursing, Sungshin Women's University |
웹기반 건강증진교육 참여 후 자가분석에 나타난 대학생의 건강관련 생활습관 실재: 질적내용분석 |
김주현, 박은영, 임경춘 |
1강원대학교 간호대학 2가천대학교 간호대학 3성신여자대학교 간호대학 |
Abstract |
Purpose This study was aimed to evaluate the changes of health behaviors and concepts via self-reflection after health education with 6 videotapes for undergraduate students. Method: After the first semester in 2011, we collected the data for evaluating their own health-related life-style. Using qualitative content method, the data were analyzed. Result: Thirty-nine students participated in this study. Average age was 22.7 years, and 27 were male. Thirty-seven students replied unhealthy diet pattern; irregular meal time and binge. Four themes and 11 subjects emerged. The four themes were new perception for health and illness, evaluation of own health state, checking for health-related lifestyle, and trying to change for a healthy life pattern. The eleven subjects were chance to change their health habits, new perception about illness experience with family, uncertainty about upcoming health, worry about disease occurring, grasp the facts of unhealthy diet pattern, less exercise, growing stress, high-pressure drinking culture in the university, increasing concern for a healthy life, trying to change lifestyle, and difficulty in changing lifestyle. Conclusion: From the results of this study, we concluded that self-reflection on the health behaviors after health education with videotapes could reinforce to change health behaviors and concepts for undergraduate students. |
Key Words:
Health behavior, Undergraduate students, Web-based education, Qualitative research |