Postoperative Patients' Thirst and Oral Status by Three Oral Care Methods |
Kim, Mi Young;Doo, Mee Jung;Kang, Su Kyeong;Lim, Yean Ho;Kim, Hyun Mi;Kim, Mi Kyoung;On, Ji Won;Seol, Hye Seon;Kang, Jeong Hee; |
1Chonbuk National University Hospital 2Chonbuk National University Hospital 3Chonbuk National University Hospital 4Chonbuk National University Hospital 5Chonbuk National University Hospital 6Chonbuk National University Hospital 7Chonbuk National University Hospital 8Chonbuk National University Hospital 9Chonbuk National University |
세 가지 구강간호방법에 따른 수술 후 환자의 갈증정도 및 구강상태 비교 |
김미영, 두미정, 강수경, 임연호, 김현미, 김미경, 온지원, 설혜선, 강정희 |
1전북대학교병원 2전북대학교병원 3전북대학교병원 4전북대학교병원 5전북대학교병원 6전북대학교병원 7전북대학교병원 8전북대학교병원 9전북대학교 간호대학 |
Abstract |
Purpose This study compared the effects of three oral care methods on thirst and oral status in patients after general anesthesia surgery. Methods: Sixty five surgical patients were prospectively randomized into three groups. Each group received one of three oral care methods: wet water gauze, frozen water gauze, or frozen normal saline gauze. The outcomes of thirst and oral status were assessed three times by trained investigators blinded to the oral care methods. Assessment times were right after a participant's arrival to his/her room, and at 30 and 60 minutes after the pre-test. Results: The levels of thirst and oral status were significantly improved as time passed in all three oral care methods. While the level of thirst was not significantly different between the three groups, the level of oral status was significantly better with wet water gauze than frozen gauze groups, soaked in either water or normal saline. Conclusion: We recommend nurses choose one of three oral care methods based on patients' preferences since all three oral care methods showed similar effects in improving postoperative patients' levels of thirst and oral status. |
Key Words:
Postoperative care, Nursing care, Thirst, Mouth dryness |