Nursing Students' Performance related to Nosocomial Infection Control: An Analysis Based on the Theory of Planned Behavior |
Kim, Ji-Mee;Lee, Seon-Hye; |
1Department of Nursing, Dongnam Health College 2Department of Nursing, Bucheon University |
계획된 행위이론을 적용한 간호대생의 병원감염관리수행 |
김지미, 이선혜 |
1동남보건대학교 간호과 2부천대학교 간호과 |
Abstract |
Purpose The purpose of this study was to evaluate the theory of planned behavior (TPB) in the structural relationship of nursing students' performance related to nosocomial infection control (NIC). Method: Data was collected by using a questionnaire completed by 238 nursing students of three nursing colleges in Suwon, Sokcho. Results: The mean score of performance related to NIC was 3.86. The highest mean score of performance related to NIC was 4.18 (${pm}0.91$) for 'hand washing' and the lowest mean score was 3.56 (${pm}1.08$) for 'respiratory system'. In prediction of the intention of nursing students' on NIC, the attitude, the subjective norm, and the perceived behavior control(PBC) of TPB resulted in statistically significant influencing factors (p<0.050). These three variables explained 47.6% of the total variance of the intention of nursing students' on NIC. In predicting the performance related to NIC, the PBC resulted in the direct and main influencing factor of nursing students' performance related to NIC (p<0.010). Intention was not a significant determinant. These two variables explained 13.2% of total variance of the performance related to NIC. Conclusion: This study shows the TPB model's applicability in explaining performance related to NIC of nursing students and highlights the importance of PBC for strategies to enhance performance related to NIC in nursing students. |
Key Words:
Behavior, Intention, Attitude, Nosocomial Infection, Nursing students |