Affecting Factors of Nursing Professionalism Perceived by Senior Nursing Students |
Ham, Youn-Suk;Kim, Hwa-Soon;Cho, In-Sook;Lim, Ji-Young; |
1Ansan University 2Department of Nursing, Inha University 3Department of Nursing, Inha University 4Department of Nursing, Inha University |
졸업학년 간호학생이 지각하는 간호전문직관 영향 요인 |
함연숙, 김화순, 조인숙, 임지영 |
1안산대학 2인하대학교 간호학과 3인하대학교 간호학과 4인하대학교 간호학과 |
Abstract |
Purpose The purpose of this descriptive study was to investigate the level of nursing professionalism and influencing factors of professionalism in nursing students. Method: A convenience sample of 207 subjects were recruited from two universities in I city and one university in S city. The subject for this survey were senior students who finished all clinical practicum to be done before graduation. Results: The mean scores of the nursing professionalism and the satisfaction with clinical practice were 3.43 and 3.28 individually. The mean of self-efficacy and image of nurses were 3.60 and 3.71 individually. Mean of major satisfaction score was 3.88. There were significant correlations among nursing professionalism, satisfaction with clinical practice, self-efficacy, image of nurses and major satisfaction. The most strong factor affecting nursing professionalism was the image of nurses and accounted 52.0 percentage of the variance. Sixty point one percentage of the variance was explained by image of nurses, major satisfaction, religion and satisfaction with clinical practice. Conclusion: To make students have more positive nursing professionalism, strategies enhancing the positive nurse image, clinical satisfaction, and major satisfaction need to be developed during school years. |
Key Words:
nursing student, nursing, professional role, professional ethics, professionalism |