A Prediction Model on Adaptation to University Life among Chinese International Students in Korea |
Lin, Qin Lan;Kim, Hee-Kyung; |
1College of Nursing, Beihua University 2Department of Nursing, Kongju National University, Health Industry Research Institute |
중국 유학생의 한국 대학생활 적응 예측모형 |
림금란, 김희경 |
1중국 북화대학교 간호대학 2공주대학교 영상보건대학 간호학과, 건강산업연구소 |
Abstract |
Purpose On the basis of the theoretical framework of a combination of Roy's adaptation theory and Lazarus & Folkman's theory of stress - appraise coping, the purpose of this study was to predict effect factors of adaptation to university life of Chinese international students in Korea. After this, a model of adaptation to university life of Chinese international students in Korea was constructed. Methods: A questionnaire was used to survey 369 Chinese international students from one university in Korea, which was analyzed by using PASW Statistics 18.0 and LISREL 8.7. Results: This theoretical model explained adaptation to university life of Chinese international students at 75.0% in Korea. Physical symptoms, loneliness, acculturation stress and self-efficacy directly affected the adaptation to university life. Korean language proficiency indirectly affected adaptation to university life through self-efficacy. Conclusion: Results of this study provided theoretical basis for the future health care of university- centered health centers. For improving adaptation to university life of Chinese international students in Korea, education and nursing measures for reducing physical symptoms, loneliness and acculturation stress, and improving Korean language proficiency and self-efficacy are proposed for further research and development. |
Key Words:
Students, Adaptation, Loneliness, Self-Efficacy |