Postnatal Breast-Feeding Knowledge, Techniques and Rates of First-Time Mothers Depending on a Prenatal Breast-Feeding Education Method |
Kim, Jin-Kyung;Choi, Hye-Mi;Ryu, Eun-Jung; |
1Outpatient Department, Mizmedi Hospital 2Nursery, Mizmedi Hospital 3Department of Nursing, College of Medicine, Chung-Ang University |
산전 모유수유 교육 방법에 따른 초산모의 산후 모유수유 지식, 방법, 실천율 |
김진경, 최혜미, 류은정 |
1강서 미즈메디 병원, 외래 1팀 2강서 미즈메디 병원, 신생아실 3중앙대학교 의과대학 간호학과 |
Abstract |
Purpose To investigate the impacts of individualized versus group prenatal breast-feeding education on postnatal breast-feeding knowledge, this study addressed techniques and rates of first-time mothers as part of data collection for developing breast-feeding education programs. Methods: A quasi-experimental nonequivalent control group design was applied to compare the effects of prenatal breast-feeding individual vs. group education among first-time mothers. Collected data was analyzed using $x^2$-test, t-test, paired t-test, and ANOVA. Results: There was no difference on the knowledge of prenatal breast-feeding between individual and group education. However, individual education was a more effective method than group education on post-natal knowledge. In the 4th and 8th weeks of breast-feeding, individual education was more effective than group education. However, there was no difference between the two education methods at Week 12. Conclusion: This study indicates that many outpatient mothers should be given various individual approaches and prenatal breast-feeding education programs to provide them with opportunities for education to improve breast-feeding rates. However, there was no statistically significant difference in the breast-feeding rates at Week 12, which may be attributed not to education methods but to changes in external environmental factors. Further research is needed to address the changes. |
Key Words:
Breast feeding, Education, Knowledge, Methodology |