Acculturative Stress, Social Support and Self Efficacy for Chinese Students in Korea |
Kim, Jeong-Ah;Kim, In-Kyung; |
1Department of Nursing, Semyung University 2Division of Nursing Science, College of Health Science, Ewha Womans University |
중국 유학생의 문화적응 스트레스, 사회적지지, 자기효능감 |
김정아, 김인경 |
1세명대학교 2이화여자대학교 간호과학과 |
Abstract |
Purpose The purpose of this study was not only to collect data on acculturative stress, social support and self-efficacy for Chinese students studying in Korea but also to research the correlation between them to identify factors that affect acculturative stress. Method: Subjects included 143 Chinese students studying at a university located in J city of Chungbuk province in Korea, between September 4th to 20th 2010. Data were analyzed by SPSS/WIN 18.0 version, using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, ANOVA, Scheffe's test, Pearson correlation coefficient and Stepwise multiple regression. Result: Acculturative stress correlated with social support and self-efficacy. Regression model of the factors that affect acculturative stress consisted of major GPA, self-efficacy and student satisfaction of studying in Korea, with factors explaining 17.6% of the results. Conclusions: The findings suggest that on the basis of the results of this study, more studies are needed to identify additional different factors that affect acculturative stress as well as to develop nursing intervention programs for physical and psychological support, to help students studying abroad to become acculturated and devote themselves to study their studies. |
Key Words:
Chinese, Acculturation, Stress, Self efficacy, Social support |