J Korean Acad Soc Nurs Educ Search


The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education 2010;16(2):239-248.
Published online December 31, 2010.
An Analysis of Research on Nursing Practice Education in Korea
Jho, Mi-Young;
Education-international Relations, Korean Nurses Association
간호학 실습교육에 대한 국내 연구현황 분석
대한간호협회 교육국제국
This study was done to propose the developmental direction of study related to nursing practice education by grasping the trend of study in fundamental and clinical practice. Method: A total of 48 research articles which were published on nursing practice education in Korea from 2002 to 2009 were analyzed with structured analysis forms. Result: Most research was related to clinical practice (n=40). A high percentage of non-experimental research design was related to fundamental practice (75%) and clinical practice (65%). Qualitative research was only used in clinical practice (n=8). Nursing students were predominantly selected as an object of research in fundamental practice (n=6) and clinical practice (n=32). In addition, many of the areas in clinical practice were a general clinical setting without any classification of the specific area. The concepts of research in fundamental practice were related to competency in basic nursing skill and most concepts of research in clinical practice were associated with satisfaction, stress, experience, critical thinking and problem solving ability of the nursing student. Conclusion: There's something to be desired in nursing research related to instructor methods, teaching-learning methods and nursing education programs. Therefore, more specific and continuous research focused on these topics to improve clinical nursing competence of the nursing student is needed.
Key Words: Nursing Education, Clinical Practice, Fundamental Practice

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