J Korean Acad Soc Nurs Educ Search


The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education 2010;16(2):202-212.
Published online December 31, 2010.
Effectiveness of Cooperative Learning on Nursing Students' Performance and Experience
Park, Jeong-Hye;
Department of Nursing, Jinju Health College
협동학습이 간호학생의 학습성과와 수업경험의 질에 미치는 효과
진주보건대학 간호과
The purpose of this study was to identify the effectiveness of the JigsawⅣ cooperative learning in a facilitative communication class of nursing students. Achievement, communication skill, self-directed learning and experience during the class were measured. Method: This study was a pretest and posttest design with two subject groups. 43 students were in experimental (JigsawⅣ) group and 47 ones were in control (general small discussion) group. Classes were conducted over a 6-week period. The collected data was analyzed by the SPSS 12.0 program. Result: After taking part in the educational program, the experimental group had significantly more improvement in communication skill (F=6.81, p=.002) and self-directed learning (F=11.81, p=.000). In addition, the experimental group showed significantly higher scores for concentration in the class (t=2.26, p=.27), positive emotional state (t=3.01, p=.003) and active participation (t=2.78, p=.007) compared to the control group. However, the achievement between the two groups was not significantly different (F=3.29, p=.073). Conclusion: The findings of this study show that JigsawⅣ cooperative learning has positive effects in improvement of communication skill and self-directed learning. Also, students were excited and interested in the class during cooperative learning. Based on these findings, the author suggests developing additional educational programs focusing on nursing students.
Key Words: Communication, Learning, Education Nursing, Nursing student

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