Comparison of Multi-Mode Simulation and SimMan(R) Simulation on Evaluation of Nursing Care for Patients with Dyspnea |
Lee, Suk-Jeong;Roh, Young-Sook;Kim, Ju-Ok;Jang, Kie-In;Ryoo, Eon-Na;Park, Young-Mi; |
1Red Cross College of Nursing 2Red Cross College of Nursing 3Red Cross College of Nursing 4Red Cross College of Nursing 5Red Cross College of Nursing 6Red Cross College of Nursing |
호흡곤란환자 간호의 실습교육평가에서 Multi-mode와 SimMan(R) 시뮬레이션 활용 비교 |
이숙정, 노영숙, 김주옥, 장기인, 류언나, 박영미 |
1적십자간호대학 2적십자간호대학 3적십자간호대학 4적십자간호대학 5적십자간호대학 6적십자간호대학 |
Abstract |
Purpose The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of nursing simulations between multi-mode simulation and $SimMan^{(R)}$ simulation on nursing students' nursing competency, satisfaction, and simulation participation experience in nursing care for patients with dyspnea. Method: Subjects were 107 junior nursing students in R College of Nursing in Seoul from June to November in 2009. Students were allocated to either a Multi-mode simulation group or a $SimMan^{(R)}$ simulation group. The multi-mode simulation consisted of standardized patients combined with Vital Sim, comparing the $SimMan^{(R)}$ group. Result: The Multi-mode simulation group reported higher levels of nursing competency (p=.017) but lower communication skills (p<.001) compared to the $SimMan^{(R)}$ simulation group. There were no meaningful differences in satisfaction of simulation education between the two groups. The $SimMan^{(R)}$ simulation group received a substantial health assessment and the Multi-mode simulation group experienced reality in caring for standardized patients. Conclusion: The findings of this study demonstrated that Multi-mode simulation has similar educational effects like $SimMan^{(R)}$ simulation and suggest that nurse educators should match simulation fidelity with educational goals for effective education. |
Key Words:
Patient simulation, Education, Nursing |