J Korean Acad Soc Nurs Educ Search


The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education 2010;16(1):51-60.
Published online June 30, 2010.
Comparison of Multi-Mode Simulation and SimMan(R) Simulation on Evaluation of Nursing Care for Patients with Dyspnea
Lee, Suk-Jeong;Roh, Young-Sook;Kim, Ju-Ok;Jang, Kie-In;Ryoo, Eon-Na;Park, Young-Mi;
1Red Cross College of Nursing
2Red Cross College of Nursing
3Red Cross College of Nursing
4Red Cross College of Nursing
5Red Cross College of Nursing
6Red Cross College of Nursing
호흡곤란환자 간호의 실습교육평가에서 Multi-mode와 SimMan(R) 시뮬레이션 활용 비교
이숙정, 노영숙, 김주옥, 장기인, 류언나, 박영미
The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of nursing simulations between multi-mode simulation and $SimMan^{(R)}$ simulation on nursing students' nursing competency, satisfaction, and simulation participation experience in nursing care for patients with dyspnea. Method: Subjects were 107 junior nursing students in R College of Nursing in Seoul from June to November in 2009. Students were allocated to either a Multi-mode simulation group or a $SimMan^{(R)}$ simulation group. The multi-mode simulation consisted of standardized patients combined with Vital Sim, comparing the $SimMan^{(R)}$ group. Result: The Multi-mode simulation group reported higher levels of nursing competency (p=.017) but lower communication skills (p<.001) compared to the $SimMan^{(R)}$ simulation group. There were no meaningful differences in satisfaction of simulation education between the two groups. The $SimMan^{(R)}$ simulation group received a substantial health assessment and the Multi-mode simulation group experienced reality in caring for standardized patients. Conclusion: The findings of this study demonstrated that Multi-mode simulation has similar educational effects like $SimMan^{(R)}$ simulation and suggest that nurse educators should match simulation fidelity with educational goals for effective education.
Key Words: Patient simulation, Education, Nursing

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