Students' Actual Use and Satisfaction of Meteorological Information and Demands on Health Forecasting at a University |
Oh, Jin-A;Park, Jong-Kil; |
1Department of Nursing, Inje University 2President of AEI Research Center, Associate Professor, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Inje University |
일 대학 학생들의 기상정보 이용실태와 만족도 및 건강정보 요구도 |
오진아, 박종길 |
1인제대학교 간호학과 2인제대학교 환경공학부, 대기환경정보연구센터 |
Abstract |
Purpose Climate change affects human health and calls for a health forecasting service. The purpose of this study was to explore the students' actual use and their satisfaction with meteorological information and the demands on health forecasting at a university in South Kyungsang Province. Method: This study used a descriptive design through structured self-report questionnaires including frequency, contents, purpose, perception, satisfaction of meterological information and need and demand of health forecasting. Data were collected from June 1 to 5, 2009 and analyzed using the SPSS 17.0 program. Descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, $chi^2$ test and Person's correlation coefficient were used to analyze the data. Result: The majority of the students watched the daily weather information to decide about daily work, outdoor activity or habitually. The mean score of need for health forecasting was $3.44{pm}.81$, and the demand for health forecasting was $2.93{pm}1.05$. Significant differences were found in the need for health forecasting according to sex, major, and environmental disease. In addition, the higher the satisfaction of health forecasting, the higher the demand for it. Conclusion: I suggest improving the meteorological information system technically and developing a health forecasting service resulting in a healthier and more comfortable life. |
Key Words:
Consumer Health information, Meteorological concept, Weather, Forecasting |