A Survey of Specialized In-Service Educational Programs in Hospitals in Korea |
Kim, Sun-Ae;Park, Kwang-Ok;Kim, Young-Boon;Kim, Bok-Soon;Choi, Eun-Sung;Byun, Eun-Kyung;Jung, Hyo-Si; |
1Korean Nurses' Association 2Children's Hospital of Asan Medical Center 3Anam Korea University Hospital 4Jung Ang University Hospital 5Bu Cheon Sunchunhyang University Hospital 6Ewha Women's University Hospital 7Ewha Women's University Hospital |
병원 내 전문 간호 교육 과정 현황 조사 |
김선애, 박광옥, 김영분, 김복순, 최은성, 변은경, 정효지 |
1대한간호협회 2서울아산병원 소아청소년 간호부 3고대안암병원 간호부 4중앙대병원 간호부 5부천순천향대학병원 간호부 6이대목동병원 중환자실 7이대목동병원 중환자실 |
Abstract |
Purpose This paper was intended to identify various kinds of specialized in-service educational programs in the hospital. Method: The data was collected from June to July, 2006. The subjects were 67 general hospitals in Korea. Result: Specialized in-service educational programs were present at 36 general hospitals. Thirty-three programs were operating in the field of intensive care nursing. The purposes of specialized in-service education programs were to improve the quality of nursing care. Conclusion: Since the clinical nurse specialist was legally established in 2005 in Korea, various kinds of specialized in-service education programs for nurses are needed under the organized framework of the career development system. |
Key Words:
Education, Nursing, Continuing |