J Korean Acad Soc Nurs Educ Search


The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education 2009;15(1):5-14.
Published online June 30, 2009.
An Analysis on Nursing Students' Clinical Situation for Development of Oriental Nursing Practice Education
Yang, Kyung-Hee;Lee, Gyoung-Wan;
1Department of Nursing, Wonkwang Health Science University
2Department of Nursing, Wonkwang Health Science University
한방간호 실습교육 개발을 위한 간호학생의 임상실습 실태 분석
양경희, 이경완
The purpose of this study was to develop clinical education of Oriental Nursing. Methods: The subjects were one hundred and ninety-three students who have completed clinical practice. The questionnaires were composed of experience type and Oriental Nursing practices(25 items), level of satisfaction(20 items), difficulty level of practices(6 items), and preparation level of practice instructor(5 items). The reliability were Chronbach's $alpha$=.84, .86, .74, and .93 respectively. Frequencies, percentage, t-test, and Pearson's Correlation was used in data analysis using SPSS PC+ 11.0. Results: Nursing students recognized that they had difficulties caused by a lack of knowledge of Oriental medicine, of learning the uniqueness of the nurse's role and lack of nurse's enthusiasm in teaching students. However, they were confident in preparing acupuncture and implementing Moxibustion, large Moxibustion, Bu-Hang therapy, aroma therapy and on administration of medicines and control of temperature of the medicines, exercise and rehabilitation. Therefore, instructors should train nursing students by developing a unique Oriental Nursing practice and reinforcement of nurses' independent and cooperative roles through the acquisition of Oriental Medical knowledge and terminology. It is necessary that they develop an educational program based on Oriental Nursing practice, perform consistently within the program and train its teaching faculty and instructors.
Key Words: Oriental, Clinical nursing, Nursing student

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