J Korean Acad Soc Nurs Educ Search


The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education 2008;14(2):205-215.
Published online December 31, 2008.
A Study on the Relationship between Perceived Family Support and Satisfaction of Clinical Practice by Nursing Students
Gu, Hye-Ja;
Department of Nursing, Koje College
간호학생이 지각한 가족지지와 임상실습만족도와의 관계
거제대학교 간호학과
This study was to identify the relationship between the degree of family support and the degree of satisfaction in clinical practice by nursing students. Method: This study was designed to measure the level of satisfaction according to the content, guidance, circumstance, hours, and the evaluation of clinical practice. Four hundred sixty-five nursing students from 4 nursing colleges, and 1 baccalaureate program in G area were randomly sampled. An instrument consisting of 64 questions, developed by the researcher and a nursing professor, was used to gather data from March 10 through 31, 2008. The data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, and Pearson Correlation, using the SPSS 14.0 program. Result: The results were summarized as follows : Family support of nursing students showed a significant difference by religion (t=2.104, p=0.036) and satisfaction of major (F=8.010, p<0.001). The satisfaction degree of clinical practice by nursing students showed a significant difference by university or college (t=2.636, p=0.012), residence type (t=2.098, p=0.036), and satisfaction of major (F=5.779, p=0.003). The relationship between generally perceived family support correlated with the degree of satisfaction in clinical practice of nursing students (r=.199, p<0.001). Conclusion: It was found that a higher degree of satisfaction in clinical practice depends on a higher degree of family support. Therefore, nursing faculty should plan interventions to inspire satisfaction level of clinical practice by family support.
Key Words: Nursing student, Nursing education

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