A Study on the Relationship between Perceived Family Support and Satisfaction of Clinical Practice by Nursing Students |
Gu, Hye-Ja; |
Department of Nursing, Koje College |
간호학생이 지각한 가족지지와 임상실습만족도와의 관계 |
구혜자 |
거제대학교 간호학과 |
Abstract |
Purpose This study was to identify the relationship between the degree of family support and the degree of satisfaction in clinical practice by nursing students. Method: This study was designed to measure the level of satisfaction according to the content, guidance, circumstance, hours, and the evaluation of clinical practice. Four hundred sixty-five nursing students from 4 nursing colleges, and 1 baccalaureate program in G area were randomly sampled. An instrument consisting of 64 questions, developed by the researcher and a nursing professor, was used to gather data from March 10 through 31, 2008. The data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, and Pearson Correlation, using the SPSS 14.0 program. Result: The results were summarized as follows : Family support of nursing students showed a significant difference by religion (t=2.104, p=0.036) and satisfaction of major (F=8.010, p<0.001). The satisfaction degree of clinical practice by nursing students showed a significant difference by university or college (t=2.636, p=0.012), residence type (t=2.098, p=0.036), and satisfaction of major (F=5.779, p=0.003). The relationship between generally perceived family support correlated with the degree of satisfaction in clinical practice of nursing students (r=.199, p<0.001). Conclusion: It was found that a higher degree of satisfaction in clinical practice depends on a higher degree of family support. Therefore, nursing faculty should plan interventions to inspire satisfaction level of clinical practice by family support. |
Key Words:
Nursing student, Nursing education |