An Analysis of the Role of Nurse Specialists in the General Hospital |
Park, Kwang-Ok;Kim, Jong-Kyung;Jeong, Jae-Sim; |
1Asan Medical Center 2Dankook University, College of Medicine, Department of Nursing 3University of Ulsan, College of Medicine, Department of Clinical Nursing |
일 종합전문병원의 전문간호사 업무 분석 |
박광옥, 김종경, 정재심 |
1서울아산병원 간호본부 2단국대학교 의과대학 간호학과 3울산대학교 산업대학원 임상전문간호학 |
Abstract |
Purpose The purpose of this study was to explore the role of nurse specialist in the general hospital, and to provide basic data for the role management of nurse specialist. Method: The subjects were 38 staff nurses who worked in a medical, surgical, or other department in one general hospital. Survey tools were developed with criteria for a clinical nurse specialist by American Nurses Association(1986), Korean Nurses Association(2001), Kim(2005)'s research, and the nurse specialists' self job description. Validity of the tool was examined by 5 clinical nursing experts and nurse specialists. Data analysis was done by using SPSS Win 12.0 program. Result: The results of domains for the job of nurse specialists were 61.6% for direct clinical practice, 21.7% for education, 5.7% for consultation, 5.2% for management, 5.2% for research, and 1.1% for other domains. The results for the large classifications in nurse specialists domains were 57.6% for direct nursing practice in direct clinical practice domain, 89.1% for patient education in education domain, 57.5% for medical consultation in consultation domain, 57.5% for medical research in research domain, and 39.2% for documentation in management domain. Conclusion: This research revealed that direct clinical practice domain was higher than the other domains of research, education, and management. Discussion and development about the nurse specialist's various roles needs to be addressed on a continual basis. |
Key Words:
Nurse's role, Hospitals, Nurses, Nurse clinicians |