Content Analysis of the Experiences of RN-BSN Students through an RN-BSN Education Course |
Hyun, Myung-Sun;Jeong, Geum-Hee;Shin, Yun-Hee; |
1College of Nursing, Ajou University 2Division of Nursing, Hallym University 3Department of Nursing, Wonju College of Medicine, Yonsei University |
RN-BSN 과정에 대한 학생들의 경험 내용분석 |
현명선, 정금희, 신윤희 |
1아주대하기교 간호대학 2한림대학교 의과대학 간호학부 3연세대학교 원주의과대학 간호학부 |
Abstract |
Purpose The purpose of this study was to explore experiences of RN-BSNstudents through an RN-BSN education course. Method: Data was collected through in-depth interviews and recordings about RN-BSN students' experiences in the education system. The data was analyzed in terms of Downe-Wamboldt's(1992) content analysis methodology. Result: Ninety significant statements were found concerning their experiences and their experiences were divided into three dimensions (intra personal, inter personal, & outer personal). The analysis scheme consisted of 15 categories and 26 subcategories. Conclusion: We found participants not only advanced their careers and improved their knowledge but also grew and transformed internally. In addition, this study can suggest a framework for planning curriculum content and learning methods in an RN-BSN course. In addition, the qualitative findings of this study can help the professor to understand and guide RN-BSN students. |
Key Words:
Curriculum, Qualitative research |