Hope Effects in Simple Mediation Models in Patients with Cancer |
Choi, So-Young;Rui, Eun-Jung;Choi, Kyung-Sook; |
1Department of Nursing, Gyeong Sang Institute of Health Science, Gyeong Sang National University 2Department of Nursing, Konkuk University 3Department of Nursing, Chung-Ang University |
단순 매개모형에서 희망의 효과 - 암환자를 중심으로 - |
최소영, 류은정, 최경숙 |
1경상대학교 간호대학 2건국대학교 의료생명대학 간호학과 3중앙대학교 의과대학 간호학과 |
Abstract |
Purpose To test whether a hope carries the influence of pain to health related quality of life in patients with cancer. Method: 114 cancer patients recruited with. Data were collected through the Visual analog Scale, the Herth Hope Index, and the SF-36 Standard Korean Version. Results: The results showed that the measurement variables (pain, hope and health-related quality of life) were all significantly interrelated. The results of MedGraph revealed that the full mediation effect of hope in the relation between pain and mental component summary of quality of life was significant. Conclusion: These results imply that hope need to be considered in planning intervention programs for the enhancement of quality of life in patients with cancer. |
Key Words:
Pain, Quality of life, Hope, Mediator |