J Korean Acad Soc Nurs Educ Search


The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education 2006;12(2):196-204.
Published online December 31, 2006.
Implication and Evaluation of Pain Monitoring Program for Oncology Nurses
Kim, Yeon-Hee;Gong, Sung-Hwa;Choi, Jin-Sun;Jung, Ji-Young;Jun, Myung-Hee;
1Asan Medical Center
2Nursing Administration and Education, Donguk university hospital
3Asan Medical Center
4Yunhap Hospital
5Daejeon University
암 병동 간호사를 위한 통증모니터링 프로그램 개발 및 효과
김연희, 공성화, 최진선, 정지영, 전명희
2동국대학교병원+한방병원 교육행정팀
4연합정형외과 병원 간호과
5대전대학교 간호학과
This study was purposed to identify the effect of pain monitoring program for improving the knowledge, attitude and assessment ability of cancer pain in oncology nurses. Methods: In this study pain monitoring program was developed based on the literature, and constructed it with various teaching method including several group lectures, workshop, focus group and implementation at the clinical practices. In order to test the effect of this program, contrast group, pretest-post test quasi-experimental design was designed. 46 oncology nurses randomly assigned to either control or experimental group. The tool used are 32 item scale for the evaluation of the nurses' knowledge, attitude toward pain modified by Kim(1997), which was originally developed by McCaffery and Ferrel(1995). Results: The pain monitoring program for the oncology nurses was statistically significant for improving the level of the knowledge about and attitude toward pain management, and pain assessment behavior. Conclusion: More sensitive multiple measurement tool for the attitude toward pain management needs to be developed. Nurses need more knowledge and effective attitude toward cancer pain management. Pain monitoring program in this study is effective to improve the quality of pain management.
Key Words: Cancer, Pain, Knowledge, Attitude, Monitoring

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