The Relationship between Self-esteem and Satisfaction in Major of Nursing Students |
Jeong, Mi-Hyeon;Shin, Mi-A; |
1Department of Nursing, Wonkwang Health Science College 2Department of Nursing, Daewon Science College |
간호대학생의 자아존중감과 전공만족과의 관계 |
정미현, 신미아 |
1원광보건대학 간호과 2대원과학대학 간호과 |
Abstract |
Purpose This study was performed to identify the relationship between self-esteem and satisfaction in major of nursing students. Methods: Data were collected from the 10th to the 14th of April in 2006, from 281 nursing students in Jeollabuk-Do area. The collected data were analysed by using the SPSS WIN 11.0. Results: The results of this study were as followings: 1) The mean score for self-esteem was $2.89({pm}.42)$, self-esteem was significantly different according to the general characteristics of grade(F=4.718, p=.010), satisfaction of pocket money(F=11.241, p=.000), satisfaction of present life(F=9.875, p=. 000) and hope for the employment field(F=2.583, p=.026). 2) The mean score for satisfaction in major was $3.79({pm}.49)$, satisfaction in major was significantly different according to the general characteristics of satisfaction of pocket money(F=5.280, p=.006), motivation of entrance(F=7.384, p=.000), satisfaction of present life(F=27.000, p=.000), hope for the employment field(F=3.019, p=.011) and one of family (t=2.416, p=.017). 3) There was a significant correlation between self-esteem and satisfaction in major(r=.353, p=.000). 4) The most important variables affected satisfaction in major could explain a total 27.9%, were accounted for 22.7% in the satisfaction of present life and 5.2% in the self-esteem by the stepwise multiple regression analysis. Conclusion: As a result, self-esteem was correlated with satisfaction in major in nursing students. Therefore we need to develop various self-esteem program for nursing students. |
Key Words:
Nursing student, Self-esteem, Satisfaction |