J Korean Acad Soc Nurs Educ Search


The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education 2005;11(2):161-168.
Published online December 31, 2005.
A Perceived Causal Structural Model on Work-based Stressor of Clinical Nurse
Park, Mi-Young;
Department of Nursing, Hyechon College
임상간호사의 업무스트레스요인에 관한 인지적 인과구조모형
혜천대학 간호과
The purposes are to identify the factors that influence work-based stressor experienced by clinical nurses and to provide a perceived causal structural model among these factors. Method: Data was collected and analyzed in 2 steps to apply a perceived causal structure : network analysis which was developed by Kelley(1983). Results: 1. The extracted causes from qualitative data were identified 10 categories ; over loaded work, relative feelings of deprived, inefficient duty schedule, negative attitudes of patient, burden of extra affair, inadequate administrative support, negative attitudes of physician, conflict with other personnels in hospital, lack of professional knowledge and skill, nursing service marketing burden. 2. Construction of the perceived causal structural model ; 1) The most central cause is over loaded work and the distal causes were inadequate administrative support, lack of professional knowledge and skill in the systems of causation. 2) The causes that have a number of outgoing link were over loaded work, inadequate administrative support, negative attitudes of physician. 3) The cause that have a number of incoming link was relative feelings of deprived. Conclusion: The network suggests that the first centre cause was related on over loaded work.
Key Words: Clinical nurse, Stress, Structural model

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