Stress, Anxiety and Fatigue of Nursing Students in Clinical Practice |
Kim, Chang-Sook;Kim, Ran;Kim, Young-Jae;Park, Myung-Hee;Park, In-Soon; |
1Chosun Nursing College 2Chosun Nursing College 3Chosun Nursing College 4Chosun Nursing College 5Chosun Nursing College |
일 간호학생의 임상실습 스트레스, 불안 및 피로조사 |
김창숙, 김란, 김영재, 박명희, 박인순 |
1조선간호대학 2조선간호대학 3조선간호대학 4조선간호대학 5조선간호대학 |
Abstract |
Purpose The purpose of this study was to identify the levels of stress, anxiety and fatigue of nursing students in clinical practice, and the relationship among these variables. Method: Data was collected by structured questionnaires from 223 nursing students who have practiced at the hospital in Gwangju. Data was analyzed by using descriptive statistics, ANOVA, t-test and Pearson's correlation coefficient. Result: The mean score for stress was 3.87. The mean score for anxiety was 44.88. The mean score for fatigue was 30.79. There was a significant difference of stress according to student grade, practice unit, practice time, satisfaction of clinical practice. There was a significant difference of anxiety according to religion, health status, satisfaction of clinical practice, satisfaction on nursing. There was a significant difference of fatigue according to religion, health status, practice time, satisfaction of clinical practice, selective motivation on nursing, satisfaction on nursing. Conclusion: This study revealed that there was a significant correlation among stress, anxiety and fatigue of nursing students in clinical practice. |
Key Words:
Nursing student, Clinical practice, Stress, Anxiety, Fatigue |