A Study on the Development of Cooperative Clinical Nursing Education Model |
Cho, Kap-Chul;Boo, Eun-Hee;Roh, Young-Sook; |
1Red Cross College of Nursing 2National Health Insurance Corporation Ilsan Hospital 3Red Cross College of Nursing |
산학공조형(Co-op) 간호실습교육 운영모형 개발 |
조갑출, 부은희, 노영숙 |
1적십자간호대학 2국민건강보험공단 일산병원 간호팀 3적십자간호대학 |
Abstract |
Purpose The purpose of the study was to develop a cooperative clinical nursing education model in response to the challenge to provide quality clinical instruction for nursing students. Method: A hypothesized model was developed based on literature review and Cho's partnership model of preservice teacher. Final model was refined with cooperative committee meetings, workshop and post clinical education meetings. Results: A Cooperative clinical nursing education model was developed with three phases(collaboration, planning, redefinition of major roles) and ten constructs(organization of cooperative committee, goal setting, partnership contract, planning objectives, and operating manual). Conclusion: The Cooperative clinical nursing education model support the need for continued collaborative partnership between nursing college and hospitals to foster quality clinical instruction. |
Key Words:
Nursing education, Structural model |