Student Nurses's Attitude Toward Computerization |
Park, Yeon-Hwan;Kim, Myung-Hee;Ha, Hye-Jung;Kim, Soon-Ae;Kim, Kyung-Hee; |
1Seoul Women's College of Nursing 2Seoul Women's College of Nursing 3Seoul Women's College of Nursing 4Seoul Women's College of Nursing 5Seoul Women's College of Nursing |
일 간호대학생들의 정보화에 대한 태도 |
박연환, 김명희, 하혜정, 김순애, 김경희 |
1서울여자간호대학 2서울여자간호대학 3서울여자간호대학 4서울여자간호대학 5서울여자간호대학 |
Abstract |
The purpose of this study was to identify the student nurses's attitude toward computerization and the factors related to their attitude. The subjects were 636 student nurses studying at one nursing college in Seoul, Korea. Questionnaires were used developed by Hwang & Park(2001) based on the Stronge & Brodt' s study(1985). Cronbach's alpha of the instrument in this study was. 81. The data were collected from September through November in 2003. Major results of this study were as follows. 97% Student nurses have personal computer, the mean hours of using computer were 2.51 and the mean hours of connecting internet were 2.19. The Attitude toward computerization were positive, the mean score was 3.43. Those who were higher grade, and thought that computer would be needed in nursing education, and perceived benefits of computerization, had more favorable attitude toward computerization. The result showed that positive attitude of student nurses would be needed in effective computerization of the health care system, therefore nursing education system and curriculum will be changed on student nurses's need. |
Key Words:
Computerization, Student nurses's attitude |