The Degree of Fatigue Depending on Constitution in Middle-Aged Women |
Shin, Eun-Ju;Han, Seon-Hee; |
1College of Nursing, The Catholic University of Korea 2Dept. of Nursing, Wonkwang Science College |
중년 여성의 체질별 피로 - 한방병원 내원환자를 중심으로 - |
신은주, 한선희 |
1가톨릭대학교 간호대학 2원광보건대학 간호학과 |
Abstract |
Purpose This study was conducted to investigate the subjective degree of fatigue, the degree of fatigue depending on constitution, and the factors related to fatigue in middle-aged women. Method: Data were collected from 51 patients, registered at Oriental Medicine Hospital in J-city and K-city respectively. The instrument used in this study were the Multidimensional Assessment of Fatigue and the Questionnaire of Sasang Constitution Classification Ⅱ. Data analysis was done SPSS Result: The characteristics of constitution in middle-aged women could be divided into three: twenty six people of Soeumin, thirteen people of Taeumin, and twelve people of Soyangin. The degree of fatigue in middle-aged women: the average score 30.61 out of the total score 40. Subdivision of fatigue scores: common fatigue degree 7.71, distress due to fatigue 7.67, degree of daily activity fatigue 7.43, and fatigue frequency in the previous week 7.84. There were significant differences in the degree of fatigue depending on constitution in middle-aged women(p=.033). This study revealed weight, exercise, and drinking are important factors that can exert influence on the degree of fatigue. Also, there was a big difference in the degree of fatigue depending on constitution. Conclusion: In conclusion, fatigue is one of the difficult problems with middle-aged women. And this study revealed that change in the weight(especially loss of weight), physical exercise, and drinking are important factors that can exert influence on the degree of fatigue. Also, there was a big difference in the degree of fatigue depending on constitution. Therefore it is necessary to develop Korean nursing intervention to providing an appropriate environment where there is the harmony of the dual principles of the negative and positive, and patients can be taken care of properly. |
Key Words:
Fatigue, Sasang Constitution, Middle-aged women |