J Korean Acad Soc Nurs Educ Search


The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education 2001;7(2):333-348.
Published online December 31, 2001.
A Study on Satisfaction and Experience of Clinical Practice & Direction for Clinical Education: Focused on Maternity Nursing Practice
Lee, Seoung-Eun;
Department of Nursing, Kyungin Women's College
일 대학 간호학생의 임상실습 만족도, 실습경험 분석 및 개선방향 제시 -모성간호학 임상실습 중심-
경인여자대학 간호과
The study was intended to investigate the degree of satisfaction and experiences of maternity nursing practice and to examine the relationships between satisfaction and experiences. Data were collected from a college located in Inchon from April 2, 2001 to October 30, 2001. A general characteristics questionnaires, questionnaire for clinical practice satisfaction and maternity nursing clinical checklist were used to measure the satisfaction and experiences of maternity nursing practice. The subject were supposed to record their clinical experience in maternity clinical practice checklist. 153 questionnaires for satisfaction of clinical practice and 178 maternity nursing clinical practice checklists used for analysis. The data were analyzed by SPSS-PC+ program. The results of this study were as follows ; 1) The mean score of satisfaction of clinical practice was 3.34(a perfect score 5) and among the 4 categorial components from the questionnaire of satisfaction the score of 'clinical practice teaching' was high(3.85) and 'clinical practice environment(2.91)' and 'clinical practice contents(2.90)' was relatively low. 2) There was significant value between place of clinical practice and clinical practice satisfaction among 7 clinical practice hospital and the most high score of clinical practice satisfaction is 3.70 and the low score is 2.91(F=7.706, p<.001). The score of delivery room was significantly higher than the OBGY room and there was significant value among the place of clinical practice(DR : F= 6.441, p<.001, OBGY room : F=7.908, p<.001). 3) In delivery room, the frequency of observation are 2.61 day, the frequency of practice are 1.33 day and in OBGY room the frequency of observation are 1.73 day, the frequency of practice are 1.31 day for 2 week of maternity clinical practice and the most frequent practice of maternity nursing care was checking vital sign. 4) There were significant relationships between the ranking score of clinical satisfaction and clinical experiences in maternity nursing practice. Based on the results, it is suggested that the satisfaction of clinical practice was related to environment of clinical practice and it is necessary to improve environment of clinical practice and make a strategies to enhance the quality of maternity clinical experience.
Key Words: Nursing students, satisfaction of clinical practice, clinical experiences, maternity nursing practice

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