An Analysis of the Relationship between Climacteric Symptoms and Management of Menopause in Middle-aged Women |
Song, Ae-Ri; |
Departement of Nursing, Jinju Health College |
일 지역 중년여성의 폐경증상과 폐경관리와의 관계에 대한 연구 |
송애리 |
진주보건대학 간호과 |
Abstract |
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between climacteric symptoms and management of menopause of middle -aged women. The subjects of this study were 261 women(40 to 60 years old). Data were collected from Jun. 1 to Jul. 15, 2001 by a structured questionnaire. The instruments employed were : 1) The Climacteric Symptoms Scale developed by Aeri Song and Eun soon Chung(1998). 2) The Management of Menopause Scale developed by Aeri Song(1997). The data were analyzed by the SPSS p.c. program using t-test, ANOVA and Pearson correlation coefficient. The results of the study were as follows : 1. Mean score of climacteric symptoms was $2.18{pm}0.39$(Maximum 4, Minimum 1). The mean scores among the categories of climacteric symptoms, in descending order, were : a) physical and physiological reactions ($2.62{pm}0.53$), b) social and family relationships ($2.23{pm}0.50$), c) psychiatric and psychological reactions ($2.08{pm}0.49$), d) relationship with sexual partner($1.73{pm}0.54$), e) genitourinary reactions ($1.72{pm}0.55$). 2. Mean score of management of menopause was $1.79{pm}0.45$ (Maximum 4, Minimum 1). The mean scores among the categories of management of menopause, in descending order, were : a) dietary management($2.57{pm}0.52$), b) self control ($2.24{pm}0.57$), c) management of exercise and physical activity($2.14{pm}0.75$), d) management of sex life($1.71{pm}0.47$), e) management of professional health maintenance($1.61{pm}0.59$). 3. There were statistically significant differences in the score of middle-aged women's self reported climacteric symptoms according to : a) occupation (t=-2.79, p<0.001) b) marriage state (t=-2.29, p<0.05) c) age of menarche (F=4.66, p<0.001) d) method of Sanhujori (post natal care & treatment) (F=4.22, p<0.001) e) hormone replacement therapy (t=-3.09, p<0.05). From the above statistics, several significant findings were noted : a) There were more climacteric symptoms from those who were unemployed, those who had no partner or were divorced and those who started a menarche earlier. b) There were less climacteric symptoms reported from those on hormone replacement therapy and those who followed their parents or parents-in-law advice regarding Sanhujori (postnatal care) 4. There were statistically significant differences in the score of middle-aged women's self reported management of menopause according to : The educational background (F=7.63, p<0.001), religion (F=3.74, p<0.001), income (F=3.65, p<0.001), number of parity (F=4.87, p<0.001), method of Sanhujori(postnatal care) (F=5.73, p<0.001), period of Sanhujori (postnatal care) (F=2.81, p<0.05), hormone replacement therapy (t=3.81, p<0.001). Women with higher educational background, strong religion, higher income, large number of parity, managed their post natal care well, were on HRT, managed their menopause significantly better than the others who took part in the survey. 5. It will be noted from the above that women's degree of climacteric symptoms showed a negative correlation to the management of menopause(r=-0.2146, p<0.001). The findings shown above suggest the need to develop a variable management of menopause, in order to improve climacteric symptoms of middle-aged women. It is hoped that the above findings will stimulate more detailed research into this matter, and thereby enable guidance to be given to women going through the menopause to cope with it in a less stressful way. |
Key Words:
Climacteric symptom, management of menopause |