J Korean Acad Soc Nurs Educ Search


The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education 2000;6(2):376-389.
Published online December 31, 2000.
The Survey on the Drug use status, Knowledge and Attitude of College Students (Seoul and Northern Part of the Kyunggi-do)
Han, Kyoung-Soon;Moon, Sun-Young;Park, Hyun-Ok;Park, Eun-Hee;
1Dept of Nursing, Shin-heung College
2Dept of Nursing, Shin-heung College
3Dept of Nursing, Shin-heung College
4Dept of Nursing, Kyungin Women's College
대학생의 약물 사용 실태.지식 및 태도(서울 및 경기 북부지역)
한경순, 문선영, 박현옥, 박은희
1신흥대학 간호과
2신흥대학 간호과
3신흥대학 간호과
4경인여자대학 간호과
The Purpose of this study was to grasp the status of drug uses in college students, and to investigate the knowledge and attitude when they use it. We collected through questionnaires from Sep. 1 to Oct. 30 in 1999. The subjects were 490 college students in Seoul and northern of the Kyunggi-do. The data analysis was performed using SPSS (version 7.0) and ANOVA. The results of this study were as follows. 1. There was no correlation for all factors in the relationship between general characteristics of subjects and knowledge for drugs. On the contrary, in the relation of the general characteristics and attitude for drug of subjects, some factors are statistically significant e.g., department (F=3.049, p<.010), satisfaction for school life (F=6.167,p<.002), body shape(F=8.092, p<.000), and the relationship with ones parents (F=3.728, p<.005). 2. In the analysis of drug use status and knowledge, only in the factor of administration control was statistically significant(F=4.304, p<.014) and in the relation of attitude for drug uses, drug administration was statistically significant (F=4.521, p<.004). 3. In the mean scores for the drug knowledge analysis, the highest factor was 'A narcotic make deformed persons through poisoning of physical and mental' (M=4.14), the lowest factor was 'If catch the flu during the pregnancy, should be take drug as possible as quickly to reduce negative effect for fetal' (M=1.94). 4. In the analysis for drug attitude, the highest factor was 'A drug is alike a poison' (M=3.48), 'Should be keep the usage and dosage of drug' was the lowest (M=1.48). 5. From the investigation for status of drug use, it was revealed that the most subjects (73.6%) were purchase drugs after explain their symptoms to pharmacist. And they take drugs only when they felt painful in 43.1%. The most students (70.4%) were experienced control of drug administration. It was inquired that subjects were mainly obtained information about drugs from pharmacist and television (or radio) advertisement, 33.5% and 33.1%, respectively. In the examination for existence of long-term administrators in their family, 'none' and 'only parents' are 49.6% and 37.3%, respectively. When their parents have illness, the persons go to drugstore and hospital for heath-care, 47.8% and 44.3%, respectively. On the basis of results of this study, we suggest as follows. 1. This study was analyzed data from questionnaires for college students in a part of local areas, so we suggest that the next research should be perform for national-wide students as subjects to generalize the results. 2. It is need more intensive research methodologies such as interview and observation. 3. Additional research is required for knowledge and behaviors of drug uses that will how impact on ones health behavior.
Key Words: Drug use status, Knowledge and attitude

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