Evaluation on Effectiveness of Public Health Personnel Training |
Hwang Keum-Bok;Jeon Mi-Soon;Kim Tae-Sook;Yang Byung-Guk;Jeong Eun-Kyung;Yang Sook-Ja;Kim Kwuy-Hyang; |
1Department of Health Manpower Development, NIH 2Department of Health Manpower Development, NIH 3Department of Health Manpower Development, NIH 4Department of Health Manpower Development, NIH 5Department of Health Manpower Development, NIH 6Department of Health Manpower Development, NIH 7Department of Health Manpower Development, NIH |
보건요원 교육효과 평가 |
황금복, 전미순, 김태숙, 양병국, 정은경, 양숙자, 김귀향 |
1국립보건원 훈련부 2국립보건원 훈련부 3국립보건원 훈련부 4국립보건원 훈련부 5국립보건원 훈련부 6국립보건원 훈련부 7국립보건원 훈련부 |
Abstract |
To improve the effectiveness and efficiency of public health personnel training, we evaluated not only how appropriate the students felt the objectives, contents, methods and multimedia used in the train ing courses, but also how much the students accomplished the objectives and applied skill and knowledge to their own works. We selected 5 courses for the study : Tuberculosis control, Radiological technique, Public health information, Immunization, Mental health management courses used by Kirkpatrick's evaluation model. Reaction evaluation was carried out in final day by questionnaire. The results showed that all of them were very satisfied with educational input and curricula, learn Ing environment. Secondly, we measured the degree of learning achievement on pre and post training by questionaire of specific behavioral objectives. The degree of learning achievement was statistically higher just after training than pre training (paired t-test, p<0.01). Thirdly, evaluation of behavioral change to job was conducted to find out how much students applied skill and knowledge to their own job in 3 months after training by questionnaire. The results of behavioral change evaluation showed that 43.5% of the students who were performing job related with the training courses in 3 months after training applied the learned skill and knowledge to their own job quite well and 37.8% of them applied relatively well, therefore total 81.4% of them applied to their own job. And effectiveness of training for the above mentioned students showed that 41.9 % of them had improved or enforced their jobs after training, 35.5% of them had had no remarkable changes, and 15.7% had newly applied the learned skill and knowledge to their jobs. For evaluating the degree of usefulness of material predistribution in two weeks before training, we compared experimental groups with control groups. The results showed that general reactions are helpful but the degree of learning achievement is no discrepancy. |
Key Words:
Evaluation, Reaction, Learning achievement, Behavioral change |