Analysis of Nursing Care Activities of Nursing Students in Clinical Experience |
Lee Chung-Hee;Sung Young-Hee;Jung Yoen-Yi;Kim Jung-Suk; |
1The Nursing Department of Samsung Medical Center 2The Nursing Department of Samsung Medical Center 3The Nursing Department of Samsung Medical Center 4The Nursing Department of Samsung Medical Center |
간호학생의 임상실습 간호활동시간 분석 |
이정희, 성영희, 정연이, 김정숙 |
1삼성서울병원 2삼성서울병원 3삼성서울병원 4삼성서울병원 |
Abstract |
The competence of newly graduated nurses is based on various clinical expriences gained when they were students. Therefore, instructors of nursing students, professors in nursing schools or directors in hospitals must play a critical role in assisting them to obtain various knowledge and experienced nursing skills. The purpose of this study was to investigate nursing care activities and nursing care hours practiced by nursing students in a general hospital. The subject students were total 214 nursing students, 2nd graders(sophomores) and 3rd graders(juniors) from 5 Junior Nursing Colleges in Seoul and they practiced at S general hospital to gain clinical experience. The data were collected for 4 days. The tools for this study were the direct nursing care activity list consisted of 15 nursing areas and the indirect nursing care activity list consisted of 9 nursing areas. The subject students were supposed to record their own score. The results of this study are ; 1. The nursing care hours per nursing student 1) The average total nursing care hours a day per each nursing student are 362.65 mins(6.04hr), the direct nursing care hours per each nursing stuent are 202.09 mins(direct nursing care rate 56.0%) and it is higher than the indirect nursing care hours, 159.75mins(indirect nursing care rate 44.0%). The direct nursing care rate of each student by a team approach in the evening shift(56.3%) is higher than that in the day shift(55.8%). 2) The hours of checking vital signs are the longest(47.35mins) among the direct nursing care activites and next is in order of counseling 8l emotional support, nurse rounds, and accompaning a patient during examination. The hours of reporting are the longest(32.39mins) among the indirect nursing care activites, and next is the activities related to education such as reviewing chart, looking up references, etc. 3) The freqency of checking vital signs practiced by nursing student is the highest(the average of 55.7 times) among the direct nursing care activities and next is in order of nurse rounds, assistance of feeding, and counseling & emotional support. The required time for nursing students to accompany their patient during examination is the longest(20.7mins) and next are in order of restriction on patient' activity, orientated by a head nurse, skin care, sitz bath, bathing & hair shampoo, and assisting with patients' exercise. 2. The nursing care hours per grader 1) The average hours of total nursing care per a nursing student are 369.2mins(6.2hrs) to 2nd graders, 355.9mins(5.9 hrs) to third graders. The direct nursing care rate per each nursing student to 3rd graders(59.3%) was higher than that to End graders(52.8%). 2) For 2nd graders, the highly marked nursing activities are teaching associated with direct nursing care activities such as drawing up papers, looking up references, reviewing charts, and being orientated by staff nurses. For 3rd graders, measurments, observations, and nurse rounds in indirect nursing care activities are taken highly 3) The most frequent practice of the nursing care activites is checking vital signs : 65 times to 3rd graders and 46.5 times to 2nd graders. Our suggestions based on the results of this study are : 1. It is recommanded to repeat the same designed study in a variety of clinical fields for further study. 2. It is recommanded to collect data not by self-record method but by observated method. 3. It is needed for nursing instructors in Nursing Schools and in hospitals to develop the guidelines and check-list of clinical practice courses. |
Key Words:
Nursing students, Direct nursing care activity, Indirect nursing care activity |