서 론
연구의 필요성
연구 목적
용어 정의
● 간호학생의 핵심간호역량(Core Nursing Competency)
● 졸업 예정자의 간호역량
연구 방법
연구 설계
연구 대상
● 프리셉터 간호사 FGI 조사
연구 도구
● FGI 질문지
● 간호학생의 간호역량 척도
자료 수집 방법
● 1단계: 최종 간호학생 핵심간호역량 규명
∙ 문헌고찰을 통한 포괄적 핵심간호역량 확인(문헌고찰)
∙ 보건의료 환경 자료 분석을 통한 핵심간호역량 확인(문헌고찰)
∙ FGI를 통한 핵심간호역량 확인(질적 방법)
● 2단계 : 졸업 예정자의 간호역량 측정(양적 방법)
연구 결과
문헌고찰과 포커스그룹 인터뷰를 통한 최종 간호학생의 핵심간호역량 규명
<Table 1>
Core nursing competency | Final core nursing competency | ||
Park et al.(2013)* | Analysis of health care environment** | FGI(focus group interview)*** | |
■ Interpersonal skill & cooperation ∙Interpersonal relationship ∙Communication ∙Cooperation ∙Patient understanding ∙Patient centered care ∙Patient oriented |
■ Service mind (Increase of health service needs as medical health consumer) |
■ Desirable personality & attitude ∙Active attitude -Assertiveness -Sense of responsibility ∙Desirable personality -Workplace etiquette -Service mind -Altruism |
1. Desirable personality, attitude, and interpersonal skill ∙Altruism, service mind ∙Sense of responsibility ∙Workplace etiquette ∙Curative and effective communication skill ∙Assertiveness |
■ Professionalism ∙Professional improvement ∙Ethical issues ∙Ethical-legal practicality ∙Ethical value oriented ∙Desirable attitude |
■ Professional improvement (Increase of professional hospitals) |
■ Professionalism ∙Establishment of nursing philosophy -Nursing professionalism ∙Proper professional attitude -Voluntary attendance in advanced major depart -Improve basic ability on the job ∙Continuing education -Professional development |
2. Professionalism ∙Establishment of nursing philosophy ∙Professional attitude ∙Professional development(continuing education) |
■ Nursing knowledge ∙Nursing knowledge ∙Knowledge & experience ∙Cultural studies ■ Nursing skill ∙Direct intervention ∙Basic nursing skill ∙Monitoring ∙Assessment ∙Psycho-social care ∙Patient education |
■Alertness of patient safety goals (Increase of patient safety culture in the first place in health division environment) |
■ Nursing knowledge ∙Awareness of rationale for nursing practice -Critical thinking ∙Practical use medical term -Use ability of medical term ■ Nursing skills ∙Familiar with international patient safety goal -Maintenance in international patient safety goal in nursing intervention ∙Basic nursing skill -Ability of core nursing skill -Medical&surgical aseptic technique ∙Patient education -Ability of patient education |
3. Nursing knowledge and basic nursing skill ∙Fluent command of the nursing/medical/term ∙Alertness of patient safety goals ∙Ability of patient education ∙Being familiar with EBP✝ |
■Problem-solving ∙Critical thinking ∙Clinical reasoning ∙Nursing process ∙Understanding & judgement ∙Self directed learning ∙Self development ∙Flexible reaction to changing policy |
■Ability to cope with nursing situation ∙Coping ability of basic emergency situation -Expected reaction in CPR situation ∙Problem-solving ability -Critical thinking -Integration ability of nursing knowledge & skill & attitude |
4. Ability to cope with nursing situation ∙Coping ability of basic emergency situation ∙Problem solving ability ∙Integration ability of nursing knowledge & skill & attitude |
■Research ability ∙Data collecting ability |
■Research ability ∙Ability of literature review -Understand importance and concept of EBP✝ ∙Work together CQI✝✝ project -Attendance at CQI✝✝ work |
5. Basic ability in nursing research ∙Ability of literature review (including ability to search research database) ∙Application ability of CQI✝✝process |
■Use ability of third foreign language (Increase of foreign patients) |
■Coping ability with change of healthcare environment ∙Nursing capability of foreigner -Acquire and understand foreigner and foreign language |
6. Coping ability with change of healthcare environment ∙Coping ability with global healthcare policy ∙Multi-cultural nursing consideration ∙Use ability of third foreign language |
■ Nursing management leadership ∙Organizing ability ∙Resource management ∙Ward management ∙Fostering others ∙Leadership ∙Influencing |
■Leadership ∙Self leadership -Self management -Stress management ∙Self-directed learning -Curiosity and learning in practice environment ∙Adjustability of new role -Adaptation ability in nursing practice |
7. Leadership ∙Self leadership ∙Adjustability of new role ∙Self-directed learning |
● 바람직한 인성, 태도 및 대인 관계술
● 전문성
● 간호지식 및 기본간호술
● 간호 상황에 대한 대처능력
● 간호연구 기초능력
● 보건의료 환경 변화 대응능력
● 리더십
간호학생의 간호역량 수준
<Table 2>
역량기반 간호교육과정 개선 전략
<Table 3>
Final core nursing competency | Strategies according to consensus on researchers | |
Curriculum | Non-curriculum | |
1. Desirable personality, attitude, and interpersonal skill ∙Altruism, service mind ∙Sense of responsibility ∙Proper workplace etiquette ∙Curative and effective communication skill ∙Assertiveness |
■Desirable attitude course ∙Open at higher grade ∙Focusing at practice with small group |
■Adopt interviewing in entrance examination ■Development of nursing student’s portfolio |
2. Professionalism ∙Establishment of nursing philosophy ∙Proper professional attitude ∙Professional development(continuing education) |
■Using various teaching method (discuss in learning, TBL✝, PBL✝✝ etc.) ■Expansion of special lecture of practical experts |
■Contest for student (nursing philosophy, professional development) ■Visit advanced nursing/medical institute ■Strengthening of orientation before clinical practice ■Expansion certification opportunity (BLS✝✝✝ provider etc.) ■Development of nursing student’s portfolio* |
3. Nursing knowledge and basic nursing skill ∙Fluent command of the medical/nursing terminology ∙Alertness of patient safety goals ∙Ability of patient education ∙Being familiar with EBP✝✝✝✝ |
■Medical/nursing terminology course (as a major course) ■E-learning✝✝✝✝✝(medical terminology) :settle as a ahead taking-course |
■Contest for student* (medical terminology golden bell) |
4. Ability to cope with nursing situation ∙Coping ability of basic emergency situation ∙Problem solving ability ∙Integration ability of nursing knowledge & skill & attitude |
■Expansion of nursing simulation course (as a major course) | |
5. Basic ability in nursing research ∙Ability of literature review(including ability to search research database) ∙Application ability of CQI✝✝✝✝✝✝ process |
■Journal review should be mandatory at major course |
■Hold academic conference for nursing students ■Development of nursing student’s portfolio* |
6. Coping ability with change of healthcare environment ∙Coping ability with global healthcare policy ∙Multicultural nursing consideration ∙Third foreign language communication skill |
■Expansion of third foreign language course (as cultural studies electives) | |
7. Leadership ∙Self leadership ∙Adjustability of new role ∙Self-directed learning ∙Self management |
■Stress management program of clinical practice ■Development of nursing student’s portfolio* |