Global burden of disease |
1 |
Describe the major causes of morbidity and mortality around the world, and how the risk of disease varies with regions. |
Global burden of disease |
1 |
Describe the major causes of morbidity and mortality around the world, and how the risk of disease varies with regions. |
Global burden of disease |
1 |
Explain the major causes of morbidity and mortality around the world, and how the risk of disease varies with regions. |
2 |
Describe major public health efforts to reduce disparities in global health (such as millenium development goals and global fund to fight AIDS, TB, and malaria). |
2 |
Describe major public health efforts to reduce disparities in global health (such as millenium development goals and global fund to fight AIDS, TB, and malaria). |
2 |
Explain major public health efforts to reduce disparities in global health (such as millenium development goals and global fund to fight AIDS, TB, and malaria). |
3 |
Discuss priority setting, healthcare rationing and funding for health and health-related research. |
3 |
Discuss priority setting, healthcare rationing and funding for health and health-related research. |
3 |
Discuss priority setting, healthcare rationing and funding/budget for health and health-related research. |
Health implications of migration, travel and displacement |
4 |
Demonstrate an understanding the health risks posed by international travel or foreign birth. |
Health implications of migration, travel and displacement |
4 |
Demonstrate an understanding the health risks posed by international travel or foreign birth. |
Health implications of migration, travel and displacement |
4 |
Demonstrate an understanding the health risks posed by international travel or foreign birth. |
5 |
Recognize when travel or foreign birth places a patient a risk for unusual diseases or unusual presentation of common diseases and make an appropriate assessment or referral. |
5 |
Recognize when travel or foreign birth places a patient a risk for unusual diseases or unusual presentation of common diseases and make an appropriate assessment or referral. |
5 |
Recognize when travel or foreign birth places a patient a risk for diseases and make an appropriate assessment or referral. |
6 |
Describe how cultural context influences perceptions of health and disease. |
6 |
Describe how cultural context influences perceptions of health and disease. |
6 |
Explain how cultural context influences perceptions of health and disease. |
7 |
Elicit individual health concerns in a culturally sensitive manner. |
7 |
Elicit individual health concerns in a culturally sensitive manner. |
7 |
Elicit individual health concerns in a culturally sensitive manner. |
8 |
Communicate effectively with patients and families using a translator. |
8 |
Communicate effectively with patients and families using a translator. |
8 |
Communicate effectively with patients and families using a translator. |
9 |
Identify world regions and/or travel activities associated with increased risk for life-threatening diseases including HIV/AIDS, malaria and multi-drug resistant tuberculosis. |
9 |
Identify world regions and/or travel activities associated with increased risk for life-threatening diseases including HIV/AIDS, malaria and multi-drug resistant tuberculosis. |
9 |
Explain world regions and/or precautions for international travel associated with increased risk for diseases including HIV/AIDS, malaria, multi-drug resistant tuberculosis, and Ebola. |
Social and environmental determinants of health |
10 |
Describe how social and economic conditions such as poverty, education and life styles affect health and access to health care. |
Social and environmental determinants of health |
10 |
Describe how social and economic conditions such as poverty, education and life styles affect health and access to health care. |
Social and environmental determinants of health |
10 |
Explain how social and economic conditions such as poverty, education and life styles affect health and access to health care. |
11 |
List major social determinants of health and their impact on differences in life expectancy between and within countries. |
11 |
List major social determinants of health and their impact on differences in life expectancy between and within countries. |
11 |
List major social determinants of health and their impact on differences in life expectancy between and within countries. |
12 |
Describe the impact of low income, education and communication factors on access to and quality of health care. |
12 |
Describe the impact of low income, education and communication factors on access to and quality of health care. |
12 |
Explain the impact of low income, education and communication factors on access to and quality of health care. |
13 |
Describe the relationship between access to clean water, sanitation, food and air quality on individual and population health. |
13 |
Describe the relationship between access to clean water, sanitation, food and air quality on individual and population health. |
13 |
Explain the relationship between access to clean water, sanitation, food and air quality on individual and population health. |
14 |
Describe the relationship between environmental degradation and human health. |
14 |
Describe the relationship between environmental degradation and human health. |
14 |
Explain the relationship between environmental degradation and human health. |
Globalization of health and health care |
15 |
Analyze how global trends in healthcare practice, commerce and culture, multinational agreements and multinational organizations contribute to the quality and availability of health and healthcare locally and internationally. |
Globalization of health and health care |
Globalization of health and health care |
15 |
Explain how global trends in healthcare practice, commerce and culture, multinational agreements and multinational organizations contribute to the quality and availability of health and healthcare locally and internationally. |
16 |
Describe different national models or health systems for provision of healthcare and their respective effects on health and healthcare expenditure. |
17 |
Analyze how travel and trade contribute to the spread of communicable and chronic diseases. |
16 |
Explain different national models or health systems for provision of healthcare and their respective effects on health and healthcare expenditure. |
18 |
Analyze general trends and influences in the global availability and movement of healthcare workers. |
19 |
Describe national and global healthcare worker availability and shortages. |
17 |
Explain how travel and trade contribute to the spread of communicable and chronic diseases. |
20 |
Describe the most common patterns of healthcare worker migration and its impact on healthcare availability in the country that the healthcare worker leaves and the country to which he/she migrates. |
Healthcare in low-resource settings |
21 |
Articulate barriers to health and healthcare in low-resource settings locally and internationally. |
Healthcare in low-resource settings |
15 |
Articulate barriers to health and healthcare in low-resource settings locally and internationally. |
Healthcare in low-resource settings |
18 |
Articulate barriers to health and healthcare in low-resource settings locally and internationally. |
22 |
Demonstrate an understanding of cultural and ethical issues in working with disadvantaged populations. |
16 |
Demonstrate an understanding of cultural and ethical issues in working with disadvantaged populations. |
23 |
Demonstrate the ability to adapt clinical skills and practice in a resource-constrained setting. |
19 |
Demonstrate an understanding of cultural and ethical issues in working with disadvantaged populations. |
24 |
Identify signs and symptoms for common major diseases that facilitate nursing assessment in the absence of advanced testing often unavailable in low-resource settings (cardiovascular disease, cancer, and diabetes). |
17 |
Demonstrate the ability to adapt clinical skills and practice in a resource-constrained setting. |
20 |
Identify signs and symptoms for common major diseases that facilitate nursing assessment in the absence of advanced testing often unavailable in low-resource settings (cardiovascular disease, cancer, and diabetes). |
25 |
Describe the role of syndromic management and clinical algorithms for treatment of common illnesses. |
18 |
Identify signs and symptoms for common major diseases that facilitate nursing assessment in the absence of advanced testing often unavailable in low-resource settings (cardiovascular disease, cancer, and diabetes). |
26 |
Identify clinical interventions and integrated strategies that have been demonstrated to substantially improve individual and/or population health in low-resource settings (e.g. immunizations, essential drugs, maternal child health programs). |
21 |
Explain the role of syndromic management and clinical algorithms for treatment of common illnesses. |
27 |
For students who participate in electives in low-resource settings outside their home situations, a demonstration that they have participated in training to prepare for this elective. |
19 |
Describe the role of syndromic management and clinical algorithms for treatment of common illnesses. |
22 |
Explain clinical interventions and integrated strategies that have been demonstrated to substantially prevent disease and improve individual and/or population health in low-resource settings (e.g. immunizations, maternal and child health programs). |
Health as a human right and development resource |
28 |
Demonstrate a basic understanding of the relationship between health and human rights. |
Health as a human right and development resource |
20 |
Demonstrate a basic understanding of the relationship between health and human rights. |
Health as a human right and development resource |
23 |
Explain a basic understanding of the relationship between health and human rights. |
29 |
Demonstrate familiarity with organizations and agreements that address human rights in healthcare and medical research. |
21 |
Describe role of WHO in linking health and human rights, the universal declaration of human rights, international ethical guidelines for biomedical research involving human subjects (2002), declaration of Helsinki (2008). |
24 |
Explain role of WHO in linking health and human rights, the universal declaration of human rights, international ethical guidelines for biomedical research involving human subjects (2002), declaration of Helsinki (2008). |
30 |
Describe role of WHO in linking health and human rights, the universal declaration of human rights, international ethical guidelines for biomedical research involving human subjects (2002), declaration of Helsinki (2008). |