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● 연구문제의 명료화
● 문헌검색 및 선정
Table 1.
Key Words in Search
Note. Replicable search strategy in PubMed(smartphone app[All Fields] OR smartphone application[All Fields] OR smartphone applications[All Fields] OR smartphone apps[All Fields]) AND (“education”[Subheading] OR “education”[All Fields] OR “educational status”[MeSH Terms] OR (“educational”[All Fields] AND “status”[All Fields]) OR “educational status”[All Fields] OR “education”[All Fields] OR “education”[MeSH Terms]) AND (“students, nursing” [MeSH Terms] OR (“students”[All Fields] AND “nursing”[All Fields]) OR “nursing students”[All Fields] OR (“nursing”[All Fields] AND “student”[All Fields]) OR “nursing student”[All Fields]) OR (student nurse[All Fields] OR student nurses[All Fields] OR student nurses'[All Fields] OR student nursing[All Fields])
● 자료의 평가
● 자료 분석 및 의미해석
● 자료통합을 통한 속성 도출
Table 2.
The List of Reviewed Articles Using Smartphone in Nursing Education
No. | Author | Title | Journal |
1 | Chae, Y. J., & Ha, Y. M. (2016). | Effectiveness of education program for core fundamental nursing skills using recording video with smartphone and formative feedback. | Journal of Digital Convergence, 14(6), 285-294. |
2 | Chang, E. W., & Park, S. H. (2017). | Effects of self-evaluation using smartphone recording on nursing students’ competency in nursing skills, satisfaction, and learning motivations: Focusing on foley catheterization. | Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing, 24(2), 118-127. |
3 | Cho, H., Hong, S. J., & Kim, H. S. (2013). | Evaluation of adaption and intent to use smartphone application for nursing process of nursing student. | Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial Cooperation Society, 14(12), 6403-6412. |
4 | Choi, M. N., Lee, H. S., & Park, J. H. (2018). | Effects of using mobile device-based academic electronic medical records for clinical practicum by undergraduate nursing students: A quasi-experimental study. | Nurse Education Today, 61, 112-119. |
5 | Choi, Y. J., Song, E. J., & Oh, E. J. (2015). | Effects of teaching communication skills using a video clip on a smart phone on communication competence and emotional intelligence in nursing students. | Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 29(2), 90-95. |
6 | Hong, H. S., Lee, I. K., Cho, H., & Kim, H. S. (2011). | Development of education courseware for clinical care classification system based PC and smartphone. | Journal of Korean Society for Internet Information, 12(3), 49-56. |
7 | Kim, H. (2017). | Effects of fundamental nursing education using cellular phone video recording and self-assessment on basic nursing skill, confidence, attitude and satisfaction. | Korean Learner-Centered Curriculum and Instruction, 17(20), 169-180. |
8 | Kim, H. S., & Suh, E. E. (2018). | The effects of an interactive nursing skills mobile application on nursing students’ knowledge, self-efficacy, and skills performance: A randomized controlled trial. | Asian Nursing Research, 12(1), 17-25. |
9 | Kim, M. S., & Park, J. H. (2013). | Development of a drug dosage calculation learning smartphone application. | Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial Cooperation Society, 14(5), 2251-2261. |
10 | Kim, S. J., Shin, H. W., Lee, J. E, Kang, S. R., & Bartlett, R. (2017). | A smartphone application to educate undergraduate nursing students about providing care for infant airway obstruction. | Nurse Education Today, 48, 145-152. |
11 | Lee, N. J., Chae, S. M., Kim, H. J., Lee, J. H., Min, H. J., & Park, D. E. (2016). | Mobile-based video learning outcomes in clinical nursing skill education: A randomized controlled trial. | CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 34(1), 8-16. |
12 | Lee, S. G., & Shin, Y. H. (2016). | Effects of self-directed feedback practice using smartphone videos on basic nursing skills, confidence in performance and learning satisfaction. | Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing, 46(2), 283-292. |
13 | Lee, S. S., & Kwon, M. K. (2016). | Effects of self-directed fundamental nursing practice using smartphone videos on self-efficacy, practice satisfaction, and skill competency. | The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education, 22(3), 255-263. |
Table 3.
Summary of Studies on Nursing Education using Smartphone by College Nursing Students in South Korea
No* | Author (Year) | Design | Sample size (N) | Purpose | Outcome variables | Purpose of a Smartphone use |
Major findings† (+/-/·)† |
Implication |
Gough's weight of evidence (a,b,c-d) |
1 | Chae & Ha (2016) | Quasi-experimental | N=54 | Examine the effectiveness of an education program | Knowledge of core fundamental nursing skills, clinical competency, self-efficacy, and learning motivation | Self-directed feedback practice using a smartphone (Education and Evaluation) | The education program using video recordings with a smartphone and formative feedback was effective in promoting knowledge of core fundamental nursing skills, clinical competency, self-efficacy and learning motivation (+). | Using both video recordings via smartphone and formative feedback can be an effective way to learn in nursing education. | H,H,H-H |
2 | Chang & Park (2017) | Quasi-experimental | N=82 | Identify the effectiveness of using a smartphone recording | Competency in nursing skills, satisfaction levels, & learning motivation | Self-evaluation using a smartphone recording (Education and Evaluation) | Self-evaluation using a smartphone recording has a positive effect on improving communication skills and satisfaction level with laboratory performance (+). | Self-assessment using a smartphone recording is useful as a teaching method compared to a traditional education in a laboratory. | H,H,H-H |
3 | Cho et al. (2013) | Descriptive survey | N=60 | Examine the likeliness to use a nursing process application (app) on a smartphone and evaluated the app effect. | Intent, frequency, & level of satisfaction about app-based nursing process program | Evaluation of adaption & intent to use a smartphone app (Education) | The likeliness to use nursing process app showed a significant relationship with effort expectancy, social influence, and self-efficacy. Satisfaction with using the smartphone app was excellent (+). | The nursing process app presents more opportunities for training in the clinical practice field. | H,M,M-M |
4 | Choi et al. (2018) | Quasi-experimental | N=75 | Examine the effectiveness of a mobile Academic Electronic Medical Record (AEMR) app | Nursing informatics competencies, critical thinking disposition, satisfaction about clinical practice, & usability of app | Using mobile AEMR app in the clinical practicum (Education) | The experimental group showed a significant increase in knowledge of nursing informatics competences in the post-test. There was no difference in critical thinking between the experimental and control group (+/·). | The AEMR app was an effective educational method for practicing immediate documentation of students' observations and interventions. | H,H,H-H |
5 | Choi et al. (2015) | Quasi-experimental | N=87 | Verify the communication skills training for nursing students using video clips on a smartphone | Communication competence & emotional intelligence | Using video clips on a smartphone to teach communication skills (Education and Evaluation) | The experimental group that was provided with smartphone video clips improved significantly compared to the control group in their communication competence and emotional intelligence (+). | The group discussion and activity to create a video clip were helpful to improve students’ communication competency and emotional intelligence. | H,H,H-H |
6 | Hong et al. (2011) | Descriptive study | N=59 | Develop Clinical Care Classification System (CCCS) and provide guideline to support clinical tasks | Search time to find CCCS and error rate | Develop an education courseware using a personal computer & smartphone (Education) | The PC & Smartphone base CCCS produced more nursing diagnoses and interventions and four-fold decreases in error rate. The search time from nursing intervention to coding was 3.5 times faster in the intervention group (+). | The web-based program can provide accurate and timely intervention for patients since it decreases time to find nursing intervention and to evaluate a guideline. | M,M,M-M |
7 | Kim (2017) | Quasi-experimental | N=98 | Examine the effectiveness of education program | Self-assessment on basic nursing skill, confidence, attitude, and satisfaction | Teaching fundamental nursing skills using mobile phone video recording and self-assessment (Education and Evaluation) | The experimental group scored significantly higher in basic nursing skill performance, confidence, and attitude compared to the control group (+). | All the measured outcomes were higher in an experimental group, except satisfaction due to problems of the smartphone itself. | H,M,M-M |
8 | Kim & Suh (2018) | Pretest & posttest (RCT) | N=72 | Develop and evaluate the Interactive Clinical Nursing Skills (ICNS) mobile app | Knowledge, self-efficacy, and Nursing skills performance | Teaching interactive nursing skills using a mobile app (Education) | Students' nursing knowledge, self-efficacy, and nursing skill performance were improved after utilizing the ICNS app (+). | Education using smartphone app is a learner-centered education, which contributes to improving knowledge, performance and satisfaction of nursing students. | H,H,H-H |
9 | Kim & Park (2013) | Secondary analysis | N=37 | Develop and evaluate smartphone app | Benefits of using a smartphone app at work and efficiency of work as a result of smart phone app usage | Develop and evaluate a drug dosage calculation learning program using smartphone app (Education) | There was a significant difference in the achievement of learning objectives, using smartphone app at work, and mathematical confidence according to app usage (+). | The app developed in this study can help nursing students improve their ability to calculate drug doses. | H,M,M-M |
10 | Kim et al. (2017) | Quasi-experimental | N=73 | Develop & evaluate the effectiveness of the app | Knowledge, skills, confidence in performance, and satisfaction with the learning method | Educating undergraduate nursing students about providing care for infant airway obstruction using a smartphone app (Education) | The intervention group had significantly higher scores on skills and confidence in performance than the control group (+). | Smartphone-based education can be a useful way to enhance the quality of students' clinical nursing knowledge, skills, and confidence in performance. | H,H,H-H |
11 | Lee et al. (2016) | Pretest & posttest (RCT) | N=71 | Identify the effects of a mobile-based video clip | Learning motivation, fundamental nursing competency, and class satisfaction | Mobile-based video learning in clinical nursing skill (Education) | In the experimental group using video clips, motivation and confidence in learning were improved and the satisfaction level of the class was high (+). | Video clips using mobile devices are a valuable tool for educating nursing students about relevant clinical skills and improving learning outcomes. | H,H,H-H |
12 | Lee & Shin (2016) | Post-test only control group | N=58 | Verify the effectiveness of using smartphone videos | Basic nursing skills, confidence in performance, and learning satisfaction | Teaching core fundamental nursing skills using smartphone recording and formative feedback (Education) | Basic nursing skills scores, confidence in performance, and learning satisfaction was higher in the experimental group compared to the control group (+). | The program used in this study could be recommended as an effective educational program for nursing students. | H,H,H-H |
13 | Lee & Kwon (2016) | Quasi-experimental | N=80 | Identify the effectiveness of using smartphone videos | Self-efficacy, practice satisfaction, & skill competency | Teaching self-directed fundamental nursing practice using smartphone videos (Education and Evaluation) | Self-directed fundamental nursing practice using smartphone video was statistically significant in practice satisfaction (+). | Using smartphone videos could be considered as an effective educational device for utilizing nursing practice education. | H,H,H-H |
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