A1 |
To investigate the effects of grit and resilience on clinical practice adaptation of nursing students |
Junior and senior nursing students who experience nursing practicum |
131 |
Korean version of Grit-O translated by Lee and Kwon (2003) |
There was a significant positive correlation between grit, resilience, and clinical practice adaptation. Grit and resilience were found to be factors affecting clinical practice adaptation of nursing students and 32.0% of clinical practice adaptation |
Clinical practice adaptation |
Adapting to clinical practice Motivation to select with nursing department |
A2 |
To identify the relationship between nursing students’ grit, critical thinking disposition, and clinical competence and to examine factors that influence clinical competence |
Junior and senior nursing students who experience nursing practicum |
241 |
Korean version of Grit-O translated by Lee (2016) |
Clinical competence was found to have significant pure correlations with critical thinking disposition, and grit. The most influential factors influencing nursing students’ clinical competence were critical thinking disposition, and grit, and these factors explained 33% of the variance in clinical competence |
Clinical competence |
Satisfaction of major Grade point average Critical thinking disposition Clinical competence |
A3 |
To investigate the effects of grit, academic self-efficacy, and self-directed learning ability on clinical performance ability of nursing students |
Junior and senior nursing students who experience nursing practicum |
217 |
Korean version of Grit-O translated by Song and Lim (2020) |
Clinical performance ability showed a positive correlation with grit, academic-self efficacy, self-directed learning ability. The most influential factor of nursing student’s clinical performance ability was grit, and followed by academic self-efficacy, self-directed learning ability, experience in simulation. The explanation power of regression model was 41.0% |
Clinical performance ability |
Grade point average Grade Motivation to apply Satisfaction of major Clinical practice satisfaction Academic self-efficacy Self-directed learning ability Clinical performance ability |
A4 |
To examine influences on grit in the nursing student. |
Nursing students |
146 |
Korean version of Grit-O translated by Lee and Kwon (2003) |
Grit was found to be in a significant positive correlation with positive psychological capital and academic achievement. The result of the stepwise multiple regression indicates the positive psychological capital predict 21.1% of grit |
Grit |
Major satisfaction Desired career Positive psychological capital |
A5 |
To identify the effect of grit and positive psychological capital on the career preparation behavior of nursing college students in the convergence society |
Nursing students |
222 |
Korean version of Grit-O translated by Lee and Kwon (2003) |
Factors influencing career preparation behavior were positive psychological capital, major satisfaction, subjective academic achievement, religion, and explained 32% of career preparation behavior and grit did not significantly affect career preparation behavior |
Career preparation behaviors |
Positive psychological capital Career preparation behavior |
A6 |
To investigate the relationship |
Nursing |
271 |
Korean version of |
Psychological well-being in nursing students was |
Psychological |
Religion |
among grit, academic resilience, and psychological well-being among nursing students |
students |
Grit-O translated by the researchers |
significantly correlated with academic resilience and grit. The significant predictors of psychological well-being for nursing students were academic resilience, grit, and major satisfaction which explained 53.1% of the variance in psychological well-being |
well-being |
Satisfaction in major Academic resilience Psychological well-being |
A7 |
To examine influences on grit in the nursing student |
Nursing students |
146 |
Korean version of Grit-O translated by Lee and Kwon (2003) |
Grit was found to be in a significant positive correlation with academic stress, academic self-efficacy and major satisfaction. The result of the multiple regression indicates the major satisfaction, academic self-efficacy, academic stress and grade point average predict 22.5% of grit |
Grit |
Academic grade Desired employment Academic self-efficacy Major satisfaction |
A8 |
To explore the mediating effect of grit of nursing students on the relationship between academic self-efficacy and clinical reasoning competency |
Senior nursing students |
152 |
Korean version of Grit-O translated by Lee (2014) |
Clinical reasoning competence of nursing students was correlated with academic self-efficacy and grit. According to the analysis of the mediating effect of grit on the relationship between academic self-efficacy and clinical reasoning competence of nursing students, grit had a partial mediating effect, and explanatory power was 14.0% |
Clinical reasoning competence |
Academic self-efficacy Clinical reasoning competence |
A9 |
To investigate the effects of nursing college students in graduation year, self-management competency and grit on employment preparation behavior |
Nursing students |
206 |
Korean version of Grit-O translated by Lee (2015) |
Self-management competency and persistence of effort of the grit sub-factor showed a positive correlation with employment preparation behavior. Interest consistency of the grit sub-factor and employment preparation behavior showed a negative correlation. Self-management competency and persistence of effort of the grit sub-factor had a positive effect on employment preparation behavior. Interest consistency of grit sub-factor showed a negative effect on employment preparation behavior |
Employment preparation behavior |
Self-management competency Employment preparation behavior |
A10 |
To investigate the factors that affect adaptation to college life among nursing students. |
Junior and senior nursing students |
175 |
Korean version of Grit-O translated by Lee and Shon (2013) |
Grit was positively correlated to positive psychological capital and clinical practice satisfaction, whereas positive psychological capital had a positive correlation with clinical practice satisfaction. The major factor influencing adaptation to college life was determined to be positive psychological capital, with an explanatory power of 62.0% Significant correlations were found between |
Adjustment to college life |
Grade point average Residence Positive psychology capital Satisfaction with clinical practice Adjustment to college life |
A11 |
To identify the mediating effects of distress tolerance and self-directness on the relationship between grit and problem solving ability in nursing students |
Nursing students |
340 |
Grit-O translated in Korea by Lee (2014) |
Significant correlations were found between grit and problem-solving ability, between grit and distress tolerance, and grit and self-directedness. There were the mediating effects of distress tolerance and self-directedness on the relationship between grit and problem-solving ability |
Problem -solving ability |
Distress tolerance Self-directedness Problem-solving ability |
A12 |
To understand the effect of emotional intelligence and grit on clinical reasoningcompetence of fourth grade ofnursing students |
Senior nursingstudents |
143 |
Grit-O translated in Korea by Lee(2015) |
The factors affecting the clinical reasoningability of the subjects were clinical practicesatisfaction and emotional intelligence, and theexplanatory power of these variables onclinical reasoning ability was 33.6%. Clinical reasoning ability was found to have astatistically significant positive correlation withemotional intelligence and grit |
Clinical reasoning competence |
Clinical practice satisfactionEmotional intelligenceClinical reasoning competence |
A13 |
To investigate grit, careerdecision-making self-efficacycareer preparation behavior andjob-seeking stress, and toidentify the influencing factorson job-seeking stress of nursingstudents |
Senior nursingstudents |
208 |
Grit-O translated in Korea by Lee(2018) |
Job-seeking stress was found to havesignificant negative correlations with grit andcareer decision-making self-efficacy. The mostinfluential factors influencing the job-seekingstress of nursing students were careerdecision-making self-efficacy, careerpreparation behavior, grit. and these factorsexplained 22.1% in job-seeking stress |
Job seeking stress |
Motivation for nursingCareer decision-making efficacyJob seeking stress |
A14 |
To investigate the mediatingeffect of optimism on therelationship between grit andlearning flow in nursing collegestudents |
2nd, 3rd, 4th grade nursingstudents |
200 |
Korean version of Grit-O translated by Lee and Kwon(2003) |
Significant relationships were found betweenlearning flow and grit, between learning flowand optimism, and between grit and optimism.Additionally, optimism had a partial mediatingeffect on the relationship between grit andlearning flow |
Learningflow |
OptimismSatisfaction of major |
A15 |
To investigate the effects of gritand social on college lifeadjustment of nursing students |
Nursingstudents |
196 |
Korean version of Grit-O translated by Lim (2017) |
There was a positive correlation betweencollege life adaptation and grit, social support.Grade, grit and social support were found to befactors influencing college life adaptation ofnursing students |
Adaptationto collegelife |
Social supportAdaptation of university |
A16 |
To identify the relationshipsbetween stress, grit, and nursingprofessionalism of nursingcollege student |
Junior and senior nursingstudents |
262 |
Korean version of Grit-O translated by Lim (2017) |
Stress had a significant negative correlationwith grit. Grit had a significant positivecorrelation with nursing professionalism |
- |
Gender Grade Grade point averageSatisfaction with university/major |
A17 |
To investigate the structuralrelationship among socialsupport grit, and academicself-efficacy in nursing students |
2nd, 3rd, 4th grade nursingstudents |
122 |
Korean version of Grit-O translated by Lee (2015) |
Among social support systems in nursingstudents, parental and professional supports hadsignificant positive impacts on the grit. The grit had significant positive impacts onacademic self-efficacy. Also, the grit mediatessignificantly the relationship between parentalsupport and academic self-efficacy. The grit issignificant predictor of academic self-efficacyin nursing student |
Academic self-efficacy |
Parental supportAcademic self-efficacySocial supports |
A18 |
To investigate the relationshipbetween grit and stress andcollege adjustment of nursingcollege students and to confirmthe effect of nursing student’sadaptation to college life |
Nursingstudents who completed atleast one semester of clinical practice |
145 |
Korean version of Grit-O translated by Lee (2014) |
A significant positive correlation was foundbetween college life adaptation and grit, and anegative correlation was found between stressand university life. Grit and stress had a 11.2%of explanatory power on adaptation to collegelife |
Adjustmentto collegelife |
Stress College adjustment |
A19 |
To identify the relationshipbetween growth mindset, gritand self-directed learning abilityof nursing students |
Nursingstudents |
194 |
Korean version of Grit-O translated by Lee (2015) |
Grit, satisfaction for major studies, standard ofliving, interpersonal relations, and growthmindset influenced nursing students’self-directed learning abilities and theexplanatory power was 38.1% |
Self-directed learningability |
Growth mindset Self-directed learning ability |
A20 |
To confirm the degree ofself-directed learning ability,emotional intelligence grit, andnursing intuition perceived bynursing students in the post-corona era |
Nursingstudents |
142 |
Korean version of Grit-S translated by Lim (2017) |
Higher major satisfaction, emotionalintelligence, and grit indicated more positiveprofessional nursing intuition. Emotionalintelligence and major satisfaction affectednursing professional intuition with 61.7% ofthe explanatory power |
Nursingprofessionalintuition |
Self-directed learning abilityEmotional intelligenceNursing professionalism |
A21 |
To identify level of life stress,grit, college life adaptation andunderstand mediated effect of grit between each variables |
Male nursingcollege students |
209 |
Korean version of Grit-O translated by Lee and Sohn(2013) |
Life stress showed a significant negativecorrelation with college life adaptation and grit.Grit showed a positive correlation with collegelife adaptation |
College lifeadaptations |
Satisfaction with majorLife stress College life adaptation |
A22 |
To analyze the effects ofemotional intelligence grit andcommunication competence onmajor satisfaction |
2nd gradenursingstudents |
157 |
Korean version of Grit-S translated by Song and Lim(2020) |
There was a statistically significant positivecorrelation between emotional intelligence, grit,communication competence and major satisfaction.Grit was not the factor of major satisfaction |
Majorsatisfaction |
Emotional intelligenceCommunication competenceMajor satisfaction |
A23 |
To investigate the relationshipbetween critical thinking disposition self-leadership, grit,and college life adjustment ofnursing college students |
2nd gradenursingstudents |
176 |
Grit Scale for Korea Armed Forces NursingAcademy Cadetby Lee et al.(2018) |
There was a significant positive correlationbetween college life adjustment and criticalthinking disposition, self-leadership, and grit.Factors influencing the nursing students’ collegelife adjustment included satisfaction of major,academic achievement, critical thinking disposition,and grit. The explanatory power was 58.0% |
College lifeadjustment |
Gender Academic achievement Satisfaction of college life/majorCollege life adjustmentCritical thinking dispositionSelf-leadership |
A24 |
To verify the relationshipbetween nursing students’ grit,interpersonal skills, and collegelife adjustment and to identifyfactors influencing college lifeadjustment |
Nursingstudents (freshman) |
179 |
Korean version Grit Scale by Leeand Kwon (2016)based on Grit-O academic Grit Scale (Rojas et al.,2012) |
There are positive correlation between grit andinterpersonal skills, and between grit and collegelife adaptation. The variables that significantlyaffect college life adaptation were happinesslevel, perceived learning amount, creditsatisfaction last semester, grit, andinterpersonal skills |
College lifeadjustment |
ReligionHappinessTypes of high schoolMajor decision periodGrade satisfaction Interpersonal skillsCollege life adaptation |
A25 |
To identify the relationshipbetween academic achievement, depression, anxiety, and grit innursing students |
3rd, 4th gradenursingstudents |
93 |
Korean version of Grit-O translated by Lee (2014) |
Grit had negative correlations betweendepression. Grit showed a significant positivecorrelation with academic achievement |
Academic achievement |
Gender Satisfaction/confidence onnursing majorPerceived current physical health status Interpersonal relationshipDepression/anxiety |
A26 |
To identify the predictors of thecore nursing skills competencyamong lower-class nursingstudents |
2nd gradenursingstudents |
168 |
Korean version Grit Scale by Leeand Kwon (2016) |
Core nursing skills competency had asignificant positive correlation with perceptionof error, grit, and growth mindset. Factorsaffecting core nursing skills performance wereinvestigated as students’ attitude in class andperception error |
Core nursingskills competency |
Core nursing skill competencyPerception ErrorGrowth mindset |